Retrofit doesn't work with documents that have Chinese names in Studio 2015

After translating a document which has a Chinese file name (CBG联合营销合同风险条款管理规定V01.00.docx), I export the file in the target format, edit it in Word then try and import the changes using Retrofit. However, it throws up an error and the changes cannot be applied:

Given the "illegal characters in path" part, I suspected this might be related to the Chinese file name. I therefore renamed the source file, imported it again, translated it using the existing memory and exported a second time. This time, after making changes in Word, the changes were effected perfectly by Retrofit.

I believe this is a bug in the software - it isn't dealing with non-English fonts properly. Does anybody have any suggestions how I might fix this or report it to SDL? In the meantime, the workaround seems to be to not use Chinese file names.


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