How to save as .xlf file?

Dear colleagues,

One of my clients is sending their documents for translation as .xlf files.

Before, when I was working with Studio Professional 2017 there was no problem with that. I could just translate it and (Save target as) a .xlf file again.

But it seems in Studio Professional 2022 this option is gone? I can only save the translation as a .sdlxlif file.

But I cannot send it back like that to the client.

Does anybody know a solution for this problem?

PS - the translation is ready now (in .sdlxliff) but before being able to invoice it I would have to send them the translation in the correct format of course.

Looking forward for any suggestions!

Kind regards,

Hanno Willemsen

Dropdown menu showing save as options with XLIFF Document (*.xlf; *.xliff; *.xlz) selected and Encoding set to Unicode (UTF-8).

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 9:48 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]