How 100% and perfect matches are added to the TM when modified?

Dear community, 

after document pre-translation, I may need to modify 100% / perfect matches, and I would like know HOW these changes are saved in the TM.

Sometimes, new segments are added with altered target text (synonym segments with the same source text and different target texts); in other cases, the segment is overwritten, on which a small window in the bottom right corner informs: created by, modified by, creation date, modification date, etc.

So the question is: is there any setting that defines how altered segments are saved in the TM? Some old translations are totally wrong, I rewrite them, but then they still appear later in the pre-translation results together with the new ones (if I do not delete them manually in the Translation results window, of course). How can I avoid that? How can I set Trados to rewrite the segments I correct? 

Sometimes, it may be useful to have several ttranslation options, but these cases are really rare, compared to the non-overwritten wrong results.

Thanks in advance!


    In practice the technology does not keep duplicates on the bases of same source but different translations.

    However this can be overwritten in may ways depending on workflows: 

    • When confirming a segment users can "Add as New Translation" and allow "duplicates"
      Trados Studio dropdown menu showing options to confirm segments with 'Add as New Translation' highlighted.

    • When using Batch Tasks, users can opt to "Add new translation units" and allow "duplicates"
      Trados Studio Translation Memory Updates settings with 'Add new translation units' option selected.

    • Importing of SDLXLIFF/TMX directly into SDLTM  users can opt to "Add new translation units" and allow "duplicates"

      Trados Studio TMX Import Options tab with 'Add new translation units' option checked.

    Typically, uses start relying on TM metadata / fields to help isolate and promote segments based on what they deem are likely to be successful criteria

    Example. Client A, Client B and preference is on Client B, by using filters when looking up translations

    There is also an option to prioritise segments based on date

    Trados Studio search options with 'Show most recent translations first' checked.

    I hope some of this helps 


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 10:41 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Dear Lydia, 

    thanks for your explanations, however, in our case this "error", if we can consider it as such, persists. Have a look at the following example:

    Step 1: after pretranslationthe TM gives me a 99% match translated externally (green) in 2022:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a 99% match translation with a green highlight, dated 17062022 with a 'WORDWORKS' watermark.

    Step 2: I revise it and replace one specific term and confirm (CTRL+Enter):

    Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying a 99% match translation with a purple highlight, dated 17032023 with a 'TALGO' watermark.

    Yesterday I receive the recent version of the docuemnt, I run the pretranslation process, and, as you can see, both examples appear in the memory.

    True, I have the "Show most recent translations first" box checked. But "show" is not "apply", so , when the documents are huge (this one is 133 000 words), the risk of applying the wrong translation because of these duplicates is very high.

    So, after your reply, I checked on the shortcuts (because the CTRL+enter option in our case could correspond to the Add new translation option):

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's shortcut menu with 'Confirm and move to next unconfirmed segment' highlighted, showing the shortcut Ctrl+Enter.

    So, the Ctrl+Enter combination we use is not supposed to add new segments when we make changes in the translation results....

    Any ideas of how to fix it? Or is it a bug (I have Trados 22)? The only thing I personally do (and I ask all my collegues to do the same) is to delete those incorrect segments manually. But ones appear on a daily basis generating more confusions and mistakes....

    Best regards!


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 10:41 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]