WordPress eXtended RSS file - Exported XML file from WordPress


I need your help on creating a filetype for XML file which was exported from WordPress.

The XML file contains many tags, and some of them contains CDATA, which has the content for translation.

I've read about it in many website, also tried to follow few guidelines - but still can't manage to view only the CDATA Content in SDL Studio 2014.

Can someone please help?

Best Regards


Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    Just to add to the response from Evzen which I agree with. The XLIFF filetype you mentioned never made it out of Beta because the current version of Studio has an embedded content processor in the XLIFF filetype. However, you need to use regex for this, so it's similar to the legacy XML filetype and it won't help you with the segmentation since the wordpress XML from WPML contains populated source and target which prevents Studio from applying its own segmentation. If they left out the target altogether it would be better, but I still prefer the XML approach since you'll need a lot of messing around to prepare the file using regex.

    I did have a call with a developer from WPML a few weeks ago and showed him how the XLIFF should be prepared in order to make it easier for CAT tools to handle correctly. Whilst I don't have any timescales on it I do think they are going to address their export since this is clearly affecting vendors in their own translation workflow.

    Perhaps we'll see an improved solution in due course.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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