AutoSuggest and "§" sign

First, I apologize for posting this twice.  The first time I got the subject line mixed up with the comments box.  The first posting (about 5 minutes ago) should be disregarded.

My problem is this: I use AutoSuggest in combination with my termbase entries.  Citations to German laws begin with the character "§".  For instance, "§ 823 Abs. 2 BGB" (German) is matched with "§ 823 (2) BGB" in my termbase.  

For years, AutoSuggest picked up such entries, but roughly around the time I upgraded to Trados 2021 FL it stopped doing so.  I am now on Trados Studio 2022 FL and entries beginning with "§" are still not picked up by AutoSuggest.  

Is this a flaw in Studio 2021 ff. or was some setting that I can't find (have tried and tried ...) simply changed in the upgrade process?  The termbase entries are still shown in the termbase recognition hitlist, but I cannot get AutoSuggest to suggest them.  I have no problems with auto-suggestion of termbase entries not beginning in "§".  Hope fervently someone can solve this.

Here are my current AutoSuggest settings:

Trados Studio AutoSuggest settings window showing options such as activating AutoSuggest, displaying suggestion list, and sorting suggestions. No errors visible.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 11:47 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]

    I can confirm this behavior with terms that begin with other special characters like quotation marks. The entry appears in the Term Recognition window but cannot be "picked" up by AutoSuggest. It can be aggravating indeed.

    If your translations of laws always follow the same pattern as the example you have given above (Abs. removed, the paragraph number added inside parentheses), you might be able to make use of the RegEx Autosuggest provider app available in the app store to get AutoSuggest to work and automatically insert the correct translation.

  • Thank you very much for looking into the issue. I want to emphasize that AutoSuggest had no problem with the "§" symbol in earlier versions of Trados - versions through 2020 as far as I can recall.  When the problem first emerged (after an upgrade or possibly an update to a new release), I thought it was a settings problem and that, sooner or later, I would find the setting that would fix it. 

    Apparently, in the process of improving Trados, the ability of AutoSuggest to pick up entries beginning with "§" (and possibly other special characters as well) was eliminated. Perhaps it could be restored in the future?

    Thank you also for your workaround suggestion.  I do not think it is practicable as the citation example that I gave was very simple. Much longer citations (e.g.§ 15 Abs. 1 S. 1 Nr. 1 i.V.m. § 3 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 KapMuG  =  § 15 (1) sent. 1 no. 1 KapMuG in conj. with § 3 (1) no. 1 KapMuG) are common. 

  • Thank you very much for looking into the issue. I want to emphasize that AutoSuggest had no problem with the "§" symbol in earlier versions of Trados - versions through 2020 as far as I can recall.  When the problem first emerged (after an upgrade or possibly an update to a new release), I thought it was a settings problem and that, sooner or later, I would find the setting that would fix it. 

    Apparently, in the process of improving Trados, the ability of AutoSuggest to pick up entries beginning with "§" (and possibly other special characters as well) was eliminated. Perhaps it could be restored in the future?

    Thank you also for your workaround suggestion.  I do not think it is practicable as the citation example that I gave was very simple. Much longer citations (e.g.§ 15 Abs. 1 S. 1 Nr. 1 i.V.m. § 3 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 KapMuG  =  § 15 (1) sent. 1 no. 1 KapMuG in conj. with § 3 (1) no. 1 KapMuG) are common. 
