cltr+arrow key bug for 2022 SR1

Hi dear,

I am using Trados studio 2022 Freelancer version.

After 2022 SR1 update, "cltr+arrow" key does not move the cursor word by word, but character by character in the target segments when translating from English to Korean.

Please check if this is a bug.......

  •  we made major changes on the editor in this new SR. One of the big changes is in text analysis and word detection. One of the criteria to detect a word is the ability of the glyph to wrap around, the ability for the word to be broken at the end of the line. In Latin based languages we use a hyphen, so i's very specific and user driven, but I see in Korean I get that all glyphs can wrap around (or at least all I tried).

    My knowledge of Korean is very limited and what I found online is not very concluding.

    Could you confirm that words can be wrapped around so that I remove this criteria from the code?


    If it's interesting... here's a little AI interpretation of the answer to your question.

    Yes, in Korean, words can indeed be wrapped around to the next line without the need for hyphens. Korean is an agglutinative language, which means that words are often formed by combining smaller morphemes (units of meaning), but unlike in some other agglutinative languages, there's no hard and fast rule in Korean about not splitting these words across lines. You can break a line after any character, except some punctuation marks.

    This makes sense in the context of the Korean writing system, Hangul, which is composed of individual syllable blocks. Each block is like an independent character and contains one to three smaller elements, each of which represents a specific sound.

    Therefore, removing the word-wrapping criteria for Korean in your code should be appropriate. However, please note that depending on the context, splitting certain words across lines could potentially introduce confusion or difficulty in reading, especially for compound words or words composed of multiple morphemes. Therefore, it's generally a good practice to try to keep words intact whenever possible, even if it's not strictly required by the language rules.

    Good to validate this from a Korean native speaker though :-)

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  •  amazing answer from an AI:) To be fair I don't think we need this criteria for any language. For Latin languages I also get the flag that it's preceded by a soft hyphen, so in actuality I think we are safe to completely remove it . I get a lot of pieces of information after a text analysis, in this case I thought it would enhance word detection, but it should only be kept for line wrapping.

    The new editor is language agnostic so far and I hope to keep it that way. 

  • The features related to line breaks in Korean are: 1) line breaks are possible anywhere in a sentence, except for most of punctuation marks, parentheses, etc.; 2) when a line break occurs, the original space should be maintained, even if a space occurs at the end of a line and the space at the beginning of the next line is not visible.

    Korean basically forms basic character as a combination of initial consonant + neutral vowel (+ final consonant). For example, “초” is “ㅊ” + “ㅗ or 오”, and “성” is “ㅅ” + “ㅓ or 어” + “ㅇ”.

    Nowadays, various forms are used in Korea, such as writing only the initial consonant. For example, "하이요" corresponding to Hello can also be expressed as "ㅎㅇㅇ" or "ㅎ이요" or "ㅎㅇ요".

    Further, Korean is an agglutinative language. It is a type of language that indicates grammatical relationships or functions by adding suffixes (called "postpositions" or Korean pospositions), which are grammatical forms, to substantive forms, which are semantic parts. Korean, Turkish, and Japanese are typical examples, and in these added languages, grammatical elements such as functional markers and sentence ending forms are added to the actual form to clearly indicate grammatical relationships or structural meanings (See. Suh Cheong-Soo, "A Korean Grammar," Jipmoondang, March, 2013).

    In addition, there are a lot of Korean pospositions in Hangeul, and the number of Korean pospositions collected in the book I currently have is about 2,200. So, extracting words from Hangul sentences seems to require a lot of effort. For reference, in MS Word's spelling and grammar checking tool, phrase must be registered whenever Korean posposition is changed for the same word.

    Lastly, please consider that this is an content written in Korean and roughly edited after running Google Translate.

  •  thank you for your reply. We managed to develop and test a solution that fixes not only Korean, but also Thai and probably other languages that work similarly (as you already mentioned Turkish and Japanese might also have this issue).

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