First time using SDL Trados 2022

What is the best way to create a project for an external client is locally – create project?

How can I add the client’s translation memories into my Trados version. How do we add a server – what is the name of the server – what is the port?

I have files I need to translate (3 letters) coming from the client as well as the client’s translation memory. How do I send the translation of the 3 letters back to the client? What is the best way to send the translation back to a client once the documents have been translated?


    What is the best way to create a project for an external client is locally – create project?

    Yes.  Create a project.

    How can I add the client’s translation memories into my Trados version. How do we add a server – what is the name of the server – what is the port?

    Let's break this down a bit so we know what you actually have?  What you been provided with by your client?  If you are connecting to their server (GroupShare most likely) then they will provide you with these details as this will be their server and not ours.

    I have files I need to translate (3 letters) coming from the client as well as the client’s translation memory. How do I send the translation of the 3 letters back to the client? What is the best way to send the translation back to a client once the documents have been translated?

    I suggest you start by reading the documentation provided in Trados Studio first.  I'm sure you'll get some help if you get stuck, but I think you'll get more from this if you have been through the basics first.  So look in the welcome view and you'll see under the "Get Started" tab some very useful guides that should answer all the questions you have raised so far... an more!

    A screenshot of the Trados Studio software interface. At the top, there's a menu bar with options like "File", "View", "Add-Ins", and "Help". Below the menu bar, there are various icons representing functionalities such as "Project Settings", "Align Documents", and "Terminology Management". On the left side, a vertical menu displays options like "XPathVisualizer" and "RWS AppStore". The main content area of the interface is titled "Welcome" and has tabs for "Home", "Get Started", "More Resources", and "Latest News". A red curved arrow points from the "Home" tab to a section titled "Quick Start Guides" which contains guides on "Translating and Reviewing", "TM Management", and "Project Management". Below that, there are sections for "Trados Studio Videos" and "MultiTerm Videos" with lists of video topics. The bottom-left corner of the screen has a navigation pane with options for "Welcome" and "Projects".

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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