Error message preventing startup of Trados Studio


I've started getting this message copied below when I try to open Studio 2022. The basic solution (reboot) didn't help. What should I try next?

Error message window showing 'Service 'Sdl.Desktop.Platform.CommandBars.IActionService' could not be started.' with an 'OK' button and links to 'Knowledge Base' and 'Community'.

Thankfully Studio 2021 still works fine, so I've reverted to using that for the time being.



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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:01 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
Parents Reply Children

    Sure... the plugins are in here:

    %username%\AppData\Roaming\Trados\Trados Studio\17\

    Delete the plugin from the packages folder and the related folder in the unpacked folder.  If it helps, for a thorough cleanup, I use this small script saved in a file with a .cmd extension, to clean all the plugin locations completely.  This will remove every plugin installed, but it's so easy to put them back via the integrated appstore I think it's a useful approach to make sure you only have supported apps installed and is worth using before every upgrade:

    @echo off
    REM cd /d "folderpath" changes the current directory to the specified path. 
    REM The /d switch is used to change the current drive in addition to changing the current directory for a drive.
    REM del /q /s *.* deletes all files in the current directory and all subdirectories. 
    REM The /q switch enables quiet mode (doesn't ask for delete confirmation).
    REM The /s switch includes files in all subdirectories.
    REM This script will delete all files and folders in the specified directories 
    REM Set the paths of the folders to be cleared
    SET "ROAMING=c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Trados\Trados Studio\17\Plugins"
    SET "LOCAL=c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Trados\Trados Studio\17\Plugins"
    SET "PROGDATA=c:\ProgramData\Trados\Trados Studio\17\Plugins"
    REM Delete contents of ROAMING
    echo Deleting contents of %ROAMING%
    for /d %%x in ("%ROAMING%\*") do rmdir /s /q "%%x"
    del /q "%ROAMING%\*"
    REM Delete contents of LOCAL
    echo Deleting contents of %LOCAL%
    for /d %%x in ("%LOCAL%\*") do rmdir /s /q "%%x"
    del /q "%LOCAL%\*"
    REM Delete contents of PROGDATA
    echo Deleting contents of %PROGDATA%
    for /d %%x in ("%PROGDATA%\*") do rmdir /s /q "%%x"
    del /q "%PROGDATA%\*"
    echo Done.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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