Terminology verification in Trados Studio 2022 is unreliable

In Trados Studio 2022 SR2, terminology verification only works sporadically, redendering it useless for QA of translations.

See the video.

As I ask at the end, what is RWS doing to address this very significant bug?

  • Hello everybody,

    I understand that the frustration in my original post is evident, and I will admit to being frustrated. Ever since Trados Studio 2022 SR1 was released, there have been problems with how terminology is handled inside the editor. Whether it's this, or the "duplicate false positive" issue in another thread, it does not seem that anything is being done about it.

    If there is something on my end that might be causing this discrepancy, please let me know things I can check. Things like that are always possible.

    But if this is an error in Trados Studio, it's a grave error - something that was working before and got broke. And left unrepaired. The fact is, if you use terminology verification, you may be missing terms without even realizing it. We were just lucky to have caught this.

    The only workaround I have to consistently achieve reliable terminology verification is to verify a project in Trados Studio 2021 after translating it in 2022. It's like having to go back to Microsoft Word 2003 to open a .DOC file when you know you shouldn't (and don't) have to.

    Still, I am thankful at least that there is a workaround, even though it unnecessarily costs me time and effort. I am politely asking RWS to escalate/elevate this issue because, ultimately, part of my job depends not only on productivity but also on ensuring that terms are translated correctly, and this used to be one of the pillars on which I could always count.

  • Hello everybody,

    I understand that the frustration in my original post is evident, and I will admit to being frustrated. Ever since Trados Studio 2022 SR1 was released, there have been problems with how terminology is handled inside the editor. Whether it's this, or the "duplicate false positive" issue in another thread, it does not seem that anything is being done about it.

    If there is something on my end that might be causing this discrepancy, please let me know things I can check. Things like that are always possible.

    But if this is an error in Trados Studio, it's a grave error - something that was working before and got broke. And left unrepaired. The fact is, if you use terminology verification, you may be missing terms without even realizing it. We were just lucky to have caught this.

    The only workaround I have to consistently achieve reliable terminology verification is to verify a project in Trados Studio 2021 after translating it in 2022. It's like having to go back to Microsoft Word 2003 to open a .DOC file when you know you shouldn't (and don't) have to.

    Still, I am thankful at least that there is a workaround, even though it unnecessarily costs me time and effort. I am politely asking RWS to escalate/elevate this issue because, ultimately, part of my job depends not only on productivity but also on ensuring that terms are translated correctly, and this used to be one of the pillars on which I could always count.
