Encountered an error while uninstalling TradosStudio2022


I tried touninstall TradosStudio2022SR2_17.2.9.18688 and got the error  "an error occurred and program was aborted". Clicked repair but could not execute and still reported the error "an error occurred and program was aborted". I am using windows 10 version.

Error message window from Trados Studio 2022 SR2 stating 'An error occurred and the program was aborted. SuiteLoadException Error reading the suite file, C:ProgramDataPackageCacheTradosTradosStudio2022SR2TradosStudio.Suite'. An OK button is available.

Please tell me how to handle it? 

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:55 AM (GMT 0) on 27 Mar 2024]