Word/PDF and TM/NMT

Hello community,
I've started translating a text by importing a PDF file following the instructions in a dedicated video.
I expect to receive the client's Word file shortly, which I'll use to continue and complete the translation.
In my mind, this shouldn't be a problem, as the TM will spit out all the already translated segments.
On reflection, however, I wonder whether Studio will segment the Word file in the same way as it segmented the PDF file. And if it won't, will that be a problem?
Another question: How do I indicate in Studio that I want to give priority to the TM over the NMT?  Meaning TM for the translated segments, then NMT.
Thanks for your advice and help,
Have a good weekend,


    In my mind, this shouldn't be a problem, as the TM will spit out all the already translated segments.

    PDF files and Word files are not the same.  PDF files, depending on how they were created and the content within the file, could definitely be segments differently, and they could also be full of superfluous tags.  So it's pot luck really... could be a good experience, could be a bad one!  At least you could get rid of all the tags in a TMX in the worst case and then leverage from your TM might be a bit better when you receive the Word file.

    So no one solution answer I'm afraid.  Could be ok, could be a nightmare!

    How do I indicate in Studio that I want to give priority to the TM over the NMT?

    That's the default behaviour.  TM is always first.  The match percentage for providing NMT before the TM is what determines the trigger.  So if you have the lookups set to 100% then anything in the TM less than 100% will be ignored and you'll get NMT instead.  Set if to 70% and you only get NMT for 69% and below.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Paul, I don't think my message is clear enough. The question is: is it possible to switch to cloud resources during the course of a project? In my case, not activating the cloud resource up to the point in the text that has already been translated and "switch it on" afterwards, for the remaining segments which still need to be translated? I tried this myself before publishing this message and it seems to work, but the NMT proposals are displayed higher up on the interface, not directly in the segment concerned. Do you see what I mean? Thanks for your help and have a nice day, Pia

  • Paul, I don't think my message is clear enough. The question is: is it possible to switch to cloud resources during the course of a project? In my case, not activating the cloud resource up to the point in the text that has already been translated and "switch it on" afterwards, for the remaining segments which still need to be translated? I tried this myself before publishing this message and it seems to work, but the NMT proposals are displayed higher up on the interface, not directly in the segment concerned. Do you see what I mean? Thanks for your help and have a nice day, Pia
