MS Spell checker error in Studio 2022


I have Trados 2021 and Trados 2022 (both freelance versions) installed on the same W10 desktop. And I have MS Office 2010 Pro (due to Word Live preview not working with the later office versions). Now, spell checking works fine in Trados 2021, but in Trados 2022, when I try to select it in active spell checker (Options/Spelling), I get the error "Unable to select spell checker extension. Could not load file or assembly  'Microsoft.Office.Interop. Word, version=, Culture= neutral, ...." Why does it work with Trados 2021 and not with Trados 2022? And does MS Office spell checker work with Office 365? I am thinking about giving up on live MS Word preview and migrating to Office 365. Office spell checker is essential for me, and If it doesn't work with Office 365, I will have to migrate to a cheaper CAT tool.

Kind Regards,


  • Hello Boris,

    I understand your concern about the MS Spell Checker error in Trados Studio 2022. The issue you're experiencing might be due to compatibility issues between Trados Studio 2022 and MS Office 2010 Pro. Trados Studio 2022 may require a more recent version of MS Office for full functionality.

    To answer your question, yes, the MS Office spell checker does work with Office 365. Migrating to Office 365 could potentially resolve the issue you're experiencing with the spell checker in Trados Studio 2022.

    Before you make the switch, you could try the following steps to resolve the issue:

    Step 1: Close Trados Studio and Microsoft Outlook.

    Step 2: Open the Normal.dotm file in Microsoft Word. You can find this file by going to: C:\Users\%username%\App Data\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates.

    Step 3: Make a backup of the Normal.dotm file.

    Step 4: Remove all macros from the ribbon Views > Macros dialog.

    Step 5: Close MS Word to save the document template.

    Step 6: Close all Winword.exe processes from Task Manager > Details.

    Step 7: In Trados Studio, attempt to set up Microsoft Word Spell Checker again, in Options > Spelling.

    Step 8: If the macro-related error still appears, repeat steps 6 and 7 until it has finally worked.

    Step 9: Clean up temporary files from C:\Users\%username%\App Data\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INet Cache\Content.Word.

    Step 10: Sign out and back into Windows/restart the machine.

    If the issue persists, you might want to consider migrating to Office 365. Remember to check for updates within the application regularly to ensure you have the latest features and bug fixes.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • My question was not if the MS Office spell checker works with Office 365, but if MS Office spell checker works with Trados 2022 if Office 365 is installed and not Office 2010 or another with MSI installer.


    I suggest you try Office 365.  I can't comment on the MSI versions as we are well past that and everything works fine now with Office 365... at least it does for me :-)  Tow examples:

    Word Preview (can actually use Word itself - good if you have two screens)

    HTML Preview (rough and ready... also similar to the approach most other CAT tools would take if you don't work in Word itself)

    Simple example I know... just wanted to confirm that this is Office 365.  So for real accuracy you have the Word preview in Word itself, and to get the idea the HTML is probably fine most of the time.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    My question was not if the MS Office spell checker works with Office 365


    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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