Same errors keep showing up after Save Target As


I'm using Trados Studio 2022, there are some issues keep showing up when I Save Target As after finishing translating, and troubled me a lot.. I'm not sure if anyone encountered the same issues and could provide suggestions on how to resolve them. Very appreciated!

1. I make sure there are no errors (after clicking Verify) and close the file, but when I open the same file and click on Verify, some errors show up. 

2. Followed by the above issue. Most of the errors I mentioned is that the encoding was different from Target and Source, however, after copying Target to Source and finishing translating and then Save Target As. When I open the file, the same error showed up again! (i.e., the encoding I copied returned to the way hasn’t been copied!)

Screenshot of Trados Studio interface showing source and target translation segments with a warning icon indicating an issue with the text encoding.

3. One error says: “Segment hasn’t been translated” but there is nothing in the Target.

Screenshot of Trados Studio interface with source text in English and target text in a non-Latin script, with a warning icon suggesting an encoding mismatch.

Thank you very much for reading my questions.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 2:55 AM (GMT 1) on 30 May 2024]
  • Hello,

    I understand that you're experiencing some issues with Trados Studio 2022. Let's try to resolve them step by step:

    1. For the issue where errors show up after verifying and reopening the file, it might be due to a corrupt bilingual file. You can check this by following these steps:

      Step 1: Open the problematic SDLXLIFF file in the Editor view.

      Step 2: Go to File > Advanced Save > Save Source As. Enter a different name from the original source file and click Save. If this succeeds, your bilingual file is not corrupt, and the issue might be with your translation.

    2. For the encoding issue, it might be due to the source and target languages having different character sets. You can try changing the encoding settings in Trados Studio to match the source and target languages.

    3. For the "Segment hasn’t been translated" error, it might be due to an empty target segment. You can resolve this by ensuring that all target segments are filled before saving the target file.

    If these steps don't resolve your issues, you might need to recreate your bilingual file or create a new project based on your existing one. You can do this by following the steps provided in the context.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Updated point 1 and point 2 from my question, I found the encodings changed after Save Target As (i.e., before Save Target As, the encodings in Target and Source are the same; after Save Target As, the encodings changed)

    I am translating a bilingual document (US>zh-Hant).Screenshot of Trados Studio showing bilingual text with tags and hyperlinks. Source text in English and target text in Traditional Chinese. No visible errors or warnings.Screenshot of Trados Studio with a visible error icon in the upper right corner. Bilingual text with tags and hyperlinks is displayed, source in English and target in Traditional Chinese.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:18 AM (GMT 1) on 5 Jun 2024]
  • <unit id="u48-1-2-3-1" name="li">
                                  <data id="d1"><strong></data>
                                  <data id="d2"></strong></data>
                                  <data id="d3"><span class="linkTarget" data-target-id="101-5-a"></data>
                                  <data id="d4"></span></data>
                                  <data id="d5"><a class="linkInternal--glossary" data-internal-link-enabled="true" data-link-target-id="impact"></data>
                                  <data id="d6"></a></data>
                                  <source xml:space="preserve">
                                    <sc dataRef="d1" id="1" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" />
                                  <target xml:space="preserve">
                                    <sc dataRef="d1" id="1" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" />
                                    <pc dataRefEnd="d4" dataRefStart="d3" id="2" type="other">report</pc> the location and size in hectares of<ec dataRef="d2" startRef="1" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" /> <pc dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1" id="3" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt">its sites with the most significant </pc><sc dataRef="d1" id="4" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" /><pc dataRefEnd="d6" dataRefStart="d5" id="5" type="link">impacts</pc><ec dataRef="d2" startRef="4" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" /><pc dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1" id="6" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt"> on biodiversity;</pc></source>
                                    <pc dataRefEnd="d4" dataRefStart="d3" id="2" type="other">報導</pc> 對生物多樣性<ec dataRef="d2" startRef="1" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt" /> <pc dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1" id="3" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt">最具顯著 </pc><pc canOverlap="yes" dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1" id="4" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt"><pc dataRefEnd="d6" dataRefStart="d5" id="5" type="link">衝擊</pc></pc><pc dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1" id="6" subType="xlf:b" type="fmt"> 之場址位置和規模(以公頃計算);</pc></target>


    Just as my colleague described, after we "save target as" the .xliff, some of the encoding seems be different from the original document.

    I found the codes like [canOverlap="yes" dataRefEnd="d2"] will appear after "save target as", and these lead to the result that our source and target is not aligned.

    I also copied the coding as attached for your reference.

    We've been stuck with this problem for about a week, which has put our project on hold.
    Hope your team can help clarify the solution to the problem, thank you.


    I think the reason you may not have any replies is because the questions are not very clear.  Perhaps you can add some further detail after my questions?

    1. I make sure there are no errors (after clicking Verify) and close the file, but when I open the same file and click on Verify, some errors show up. 

    What errors show up?  Please be specific?  Also explain how you are working precisely?  For example, if you were to keep opening a package then no matter what you did, every time you reopen the package it will be as it was before you started.  I just mention that because I have seen people doing this before and some of your comments fit this description.  You should only open the package once.  When you do that it will create a project in Studio and thereafter you only work on the project.

    2. Followed by the above issue. Most of the errors I mentioned is that the encoding was different from Target and Source

    What do you mean by "encoding"?  Are you referring to the character encoding of the target file?

    however, after copying Target to Source and finishing translating and then Save Target As. When I open the file, the same error showed up again!

    This is what makes me think about the way you are working.  But maybe also a simpler solution... did you also just press Ctrl+S to save the translation in addition to saving the target file?

    3. One error says: “Segment hasn’t been translated” but there is nothing in the Target.

    It would be correct then!  It's not an error error... it's just reporting the fact you have confirmed an empty segment and is using the error category for this.

    I found the codes like [canOverlap="yes" dataRefEnd="d2"] will appear after "save target as", and these lead to the result that our source and target is not aligned.

    Can you show a screenshot to illustrate what you mean here?

    Many apologise for my questions.  It can be quite difficult to try and see what you see in a forum post!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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