How to deliver in Trados Studio 4 separate xliff files from one multilingual Word document

A client sent one Multilingual document in Word format (.docx) with 4 source languages to be translated into one target language + Reference files in .tmx format (in one .zip file) to be used during translation.

I have to deliver a zip file containing the translation of the entire document in Word format (.docx) and 4 xliff files (one per language).

I am not sure how to deliver this properly. Could anyone help please? Thanks a lot


    You will need four projects because you can only have one source language per project.  If it's a Word file you either split the file up, or create four copies and hide the content you don;t need for each project, then put it all together again afterwards.

    If you shared an example of how the content is structured we might be able to provide a better solution.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you Paul for your help. Here is the sample File. I don't know how to do this in Trados, that's why I have asked. Can you provide perhaps the steps on how to do this? If I split the file I am not sure how to merge it in Trados afterwards, and I also do not know how to hide the content. Thank you very much for your help. 


    If I split the file I am not sure how to merge it in Trados afterwards,

    You won't!  Looking at that file I can only try to use my imagination on how this would work.  So, let's imagine that the one target language is a completely different one to the four languages already in there since you have not told us what the target language is.  So we might have this:

    Source: French, English, German, Spanish.

    Target:  Romanian

    This means, if you want to use all your available resources (TMs, Termbases, MT etc.) you will need four projects in Trados Studio:

    French -> Romanian

    English -> Romanian

    German -> Romanian

    Spanish -> Romanian

    To work with this you either create four projects, lock the non relevant sentences in each one, then translate the unlocked sentences.  Save the target files and then manually copy the appropriate Romanian content from each one into another so that you end up with one file that is all Romanian.


    Work with the files one at a time.  So first tackle the French -> Romanian.  Lock all the other languages in the file, translate the French only, save the target file and call it FR.DOCX (assuming you saved it as a DOCX to begin with).

    Next create a project with the FR.DOCX and this time tackle the English.  Lock all the other languages in the file, translate the English only, save the target file and call it FR_EN.DOCX.

    Next create a project with the FR_EN.DOCX and this time tackle the German.... I reckon you get the idea already.  Eventually you'll be left with a FR_EN_DE_ES.DOCX that will be entirely in Romanian.


    Hide the languages in Word each time using the "Hidden text" feature in Word and then Studio will just ignore the hidden texts by default.  Apply either of the first two suggested methods but you won't have to lock any languages since you'll only see the ones that were not hidden.

    Horses for courses really!

    It's not a straightforward task because the file has no structure to it at all wrt the languages, so you are going to have to tackle it manually with very little support from a tool to help.

    One other suggestion, if the file is only this big would be to copy paste it into an AI solution like ChatGPT or Gemini and just ask it to translate into the language you want (Romanian in my example) and the AI is definitely smart enough to handle this despite the variance in source.  You could, with a little effort write a VB macro for Word that could just run through the document and do this for you with everything formatted.  Then all you would need to do is proof the translation.  You wouldn't be able to use the TMX resources you have doing it with AI but it would be a hell of a lot quicker!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you Paul! I created 4 projects and locked the segments. Thanks again for your help!

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