

1) パッケージで送られてくる時は用語認識される(英語から日本語に翻訳)
2) Word原稿から作業して新しく用語集を作る/追加した場合、用語認識されない(日本語から英語に翻訳)



Parents Reply

    Does this mean that the problem will be fixed after the next release of the latest versions?

    That's the plan.  I believe it will be part of the Trados Studio 2024 initial release, and some time after that within CU11 for Trados Studio 2022.  You are using CU10 for Trados Studio as you have 17.2.10... the fix will most likely be 17.2.11...

    Please let me know if you have any workarounds.

    Since this relates to term recognition I'm not aware of any workarounds.  I guess you could try using the Term Excelerator plugin from the appstore which uses Excel as your termbase, but I'm not confident this would be any different.  Might be worth trying some small tests though.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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