Upgrade to Studio 2022 frrom Studio 2019 - conflict with Trados Live Team


I don't really know where to look for an answer to my problem, so I hope someone has encountered a similar issue before and will be able to help.

Until recently, I was working with a perpetual licence of Trados Studio 2019. My main direct client had added me to their Trados Live Team, and everything was working fine. Everytime they assigned a task to me, I was simply clicking on a task and everything would load and open on my desktop version.

Last month, I upgraded to a freelance subcription of Trados Studio 2022. Now when I get a request from my direct client, if I click on the task assigned to me, everything will automatically load to my Trados 2022 version. And then this is where the conflict happens. Studio 2022 will ask me to log in to the proper account (Trados Live Team of my client) otherwise I don't have access to the translation memories. And when I do so, Studio 2022 tells me I don't have a licence to work in Studio 2022 and it closes automatically.

Would anyone know how to solve this?

Many thanks in advance and apologies if this question has been asked and answered before, I couldn't locate it.


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