Request for Improved Error Handling in ‘Pre-translate Files’ Task to Avoid Wasted API Fee


I would like to execute the ‘Pre-translate Files’ in ‘Batch Tasks’ to apply machine translation, but when an exception occurs, the entire task gets cancelled and not a single translated sentence enters the target segment. As a result, the API fees for the segments that were successfully machine-translated are wasted. I would like you to skip the segments where an exception occurred in machine translation and keep the translated sentences of the segments that were processed successfully. I am having a hard time because the ‘Pre-translate Files’ task gets cancelled even if an exception occurs in just one segment, wasting the API call fees.

Thank you.

  • Hello,

    I understand your concern about the 'Pre-translate Files' task in 'Batch Tasks' and the potential waste of API fees due to exceptions. Your suggestion to skip the segments where an exception occurred and keep the translated sentences of the segments that were processed successfully is a valid one.

    However, as an AI, I don't have the ability to make changes to the software. But I can suggest a workaround that might help you:

    Step 1: Before running the 'Pre-translate Files' task, run a 'Verify Files' task. This will help you identify any potential issues in the segments that might cause exceptions.

    Step 2: Correct any issues identified in the 'Verify Files' task. This could be anything from formatting issues to incorrect language codes.

    Step 3: Once you've corrected the issues, run the 'Pre-translate Files' task again. This should reduce the likelihood of exceptions occurring and thus, the waste of API fees.

    Remember to always ensure that the language codes for both the source and target are valid and match the language pair of the project you are creating.

    I hope this helps! If you continue to experience issues, I would recommend reaching out to the software provider for further assistance.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI
