Studio 2022 crashes perhaps 20 times a day and I get the error message about out of memory

I have Studio 2022 and lately it is not behaving very well. It crashes perhaps 20 times a day and I get the error message about out of memory and then I can't save the file I am working on. This used to happen sometimes when working on large projects, but it happens all the time now and it is very time-consuming and irritating. I have tried to repair Studio, I don't have any webbrowsers open, I have upgraded the memory. Would it help to completely uninstall and install again? Or what can be done? Also, will this be better in Studio 2024? I am not happy to spend over 400 pounds and get the same again. My PC has the following:
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
RAM 16,0 GB (15,8 GB can be used)
System type 64-bit operative system, x64-based processor

Thanks for your help

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