Why are my quickinsert options not reflected when I create a new project?


So Trados has both an "Options" set of settings and a "Project settings" one. I added various quickinsert shortcuts to my "Options" settings, but then when I create a new project using the right file type, these are not added automatically. Why is that? How can I make those "Options" settings the default for new project using that file type? 

Many thanks!

Parents Reply

    I'm not sure if you read my answer with understanding. File -> Options applies ONLY to a default project template, but it is simply best to forget about this and do ALL configuration of whatever options you wish within a project template you want to use later. You can find your project templates in File -> Setup -> Project templates. And as the name already says, project templates are always used to create projects. File -> Options may be used for this, but only under certain circumstances. These will be applied via a default project template.

    This is why I created the tea analogy.

    The point of the Options menu is mainly to configure general settings in Studio, like automation, auto propagation, keyboard shortcuts and similar, which are valid for all kind of projects.
