Is there a method to apply penalty on confirmed segments at Translation step?


I am using Trados Studio 2022.

I've looked in the pages relating to specifying TM penalties (RWS Documentation) but I don't quite see what I am looking for. The closest thing I see is "multiple translations penalty" but that is not suitable for the scenario that I am hoping is possible.

Is there a way to assign a penalty to a translated segment that is performed by a translator but is not through QA? For example, if a translator has populated a translation and confirmed the segment, that would make that translation available to everyone via GroupShare, but the segment has not been approved through QA.

For example, is it possible to achieve a set-up that meets these elements?

- Translations confirmed at Translator stage has a penalty applied to segments (e.g. -1%) so that it is clear to the Reviewer what has not been 100% vetted/previously approved.

- Translations confirmed at Reviewer (Translation QA) stage has no penalty. 

For example, on a very large project where multiple translators are involved, it would be ideal to have translations that have been researched available to the team to save time but not showing as 100% to ensure users are clear it requires closer attention since it is not through the QA process.

If I'm looking in the wrong place, please let me know as well. I looked specifically at pages related to project setup penalties and through the forums (in vain!).

Thank you


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