Salesforce x Trados problem


We are trying to translate a website tat was extracted fwith the software Salesforce. Our client is in charge of the extraction, we did a successful trial with a first document to see if we were able to open it in Trados. When we received the first document to translate, we could not open it. We had many errors (see picture). 

Here are the detailed steps of what worked to open the file: 

  1. Remove the URL links from the page in CMS. 
  1. Export the selection according to the procedure provided by Vincent (OSF). 
  1. Open the file with VSCode. 
  1. Add backslashes (/) in front of every comma. 
  1. Save, compress into a zip, and send it to the translation firm. 

After completing all these steps, the translator (us) was able to open the document and carry out the translation. We then returned a compressed file that we tried to import into the website CMS, but without success. 

Here is the errors : 

{ "dateTime": "2024-07-03 20:07:54",

  "jobId": "6YPVA00000002mb",

  "details": [{

    "file": "6YPVA00000002WTfr-CA_en-CA_171993543967610655945627263443701_EN.xlf",

    "message": "file read error; Saisissez une URL contenant uniquement des caractères valides et sans espace."  }]}

  "dateTime": "2024-07-03 20:39:53",
  "jobId": "6YPVA00000002rR",
  "details": [{"message": ["Aucun contenu traduit n’a été importé. Réessayez d’importer ce contenu en incluant un fichier .xliff valide dans l’archive .zip."]}]


All of this seems to be Trados having trouble with the content... As anyone had this issue wih document created wih Salesforce? (XML or XLF documents)

Error dialog box showing failure to open a file with two error messages. First error indicates a 'file' tag start at line 919 position 5 does not match end tag of 'group' at line 963 position 6. Second error states 'file' is an invalid child for the 'Group' element.Error dialog box showing failure to open a file with two error messages. First error indicates a 'file' tag start at line 919 position 5 does not match end tag of 'group' at line 963 position 6. Second error states 'file' is an invalid child for the 'Group' element.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:06 PM (GMT 1) on 8 Jul 2024]
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