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Issues with Adding and Saving a Translation Memory in Trados Studio 2024 (Additional Screenshot)

Dear Support Team,

This email is a follow-up to my previous message regarding the issue with adding and saving a translation memory in Trados Studio 2024. I have attached another screenshot to further illustrate the problem.

Screenshot No.2: After the translation memory file is selected and enabled, but the changes do not save.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Attach Screenshot No.2Screenshot of Trados Studio 2024 with an error message in Japanese indicating an issue with saving changes to a translation memory.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:37 AM (GMT 1) on 6 Aug 2024]
[locked by: Lydia Simplicio at 9:28 AM (GMT 1) on 14 Aug 2024]
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