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Issues with Adding and Saving a Translation Memory in Trados Studio 2024 (Additional Screenshot)

Dear Support Team,

This email is a follow-up to my previous messages regarding the issue with adding and saving a translation memory in Trados Studio 2024. I have attached another screenshot to further illustrate the problem.

Screenshot No.3: Showing that the translation memory is selected and enabled, but the changes do not save.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Attach Screenshot No.3Screenshot of Trados Studio 2024 with a selected translation memory named 'Harris Vice Presidential Running Mates.sdltrm' that appears to be enabled. A message box indicates an error with saving changes to the translation memory.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:38 AM (GMT 1) on 6 Aug 2024]
[locked by: Lydia Simplicio at 9:28 AM (GMT 1) on 14 Aug 2024]