Is Trados Studio 2024 supporting .fig files created with FIGMA?


I wonder if Trados Studio supports .fig files format (Files created with FIGMA SOFTWARE).

I am a bit confused because I know that from the Trados AppStore it is possible to download a plug-in like this:

Language Weaver plugin for Figma

What is it used for?

Can anyone give me a clear explanation about this issue?

I thank anyone upfront.



Parents Reply

    Presumably you got to this point?

    Screenshot of a Figma interface with a Language Weaver plugin window open, showing fields for Client ID and Client Secret, a Data Center dropdown set to EU, and a disabled Connect button.

    All this is possible without paying.  Just follow the instructions on the page and enable the plugin in your Figma account.

    Once you get here it's pretty clear that you will need a Language Weaver account to be able to access the Machine Translation in Figma because you need some credentials you won't be able to access without one.

    Make sense?

    If none of this makes sense to you are you sure you understood that this is a plugin for Figma and not for Trados?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:45 PM (GMT 1) on 18 Sep 2024]