Excel file with multiple source columns related to one another


I am reviewing a bilingual Excel file which includes source-language content in more than one column and those columns are related to one another.

Source content is e.g. in columns A and B whereas respective translation is in columns C and D.

How can this situation be handled?

Is there any possibility to have Trados showing, in the editor view, from top to bottom:

content from A1 cell content from C1 cell
content from B1 cell content from D1 cell
content from A2 cell content from C2 cell
content from B2 cell content from D2 cell

 and so on?

table added to improve clarity
[edited by: davide fezzardi at 9:55 AM (GMT 1) on 26 Sep 2024]
  • Hello,

    To handle an Excel file with multiple source columns related to one another in Trados Studio, you can use the Bilingual Excel file type. Here's how you can do it:

    Step 1: Open Trados Studio and go to the "File Types" settings.

    Step 2: Ensure that the Bilingual Excel file type is enabled and is above the other Excel file types in the list. This is because Trados Studio uses the file types on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Step 3: Open your Excel file in Trados Studio. The software will recognize it as a Bilingual Excel file.

    Step 4: In the file type settings, you can specify which columns contain the source and target text. In your case, you would specify columns A and B as the source columns and columns C and D as the target columns.

    Step 5: You can also specify other options, such as maximum character length, preserving target style, and excluding certain content.

    Step 6: Once you've set up everything, you can start translating. The content will be displayed in the editor view in the order you specified.

    Please note that this file type does not provide a preview, but the layout of Trados Studio should be similar to the Excel file you're working with. Also, remember to save your work regularly to avoid any loss of data.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Hello,

    To handle an Excel file with multiple source columns related to one another in Trados Studio, you can use the Bilingual Excel file type. Here's how you can do it:

    Step 1: Open Trados Studio and go to the "File Types" settings.

    Step 2: Ensure that the Bilingual Excel file type is enabled and is above the other Excel file types in the list. This is because Trados Studio uses the file types on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Step 3: Open your Excel file in Trados Studio. The software will recognize it as a Bilingual Excel file.

    Step 4: In the file type settings, you can specify which columns contain the source and target text. In your case, you would specify columns A and B as the source columns and columns C and D as the target columns.

    Step 5: You can also specify other options, such as maximum character length, preserving target style, and excluding certain content.

    Step 6: Once you've set up everything, you can start translating. The content will be displayed in the editor view in the order you specified.

    Please note that this file type does not provide a preview, but the layout of Trados Studio should be similar to the Excel file you're working with. Also, remember to save your work regularly to avoid any loss of data.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

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