Is anyone able to share how to generate statistics on the basis of a Trados Translation Memory file? Grateful for any suggestions and thanks in advance.

Is anyone able to share how to generate statistics on the basis of a Trados Translation Memory file? Grateful for any suggestions and thanks in advance.

Parents Reply
  • TM is always a component that you need to build a project. You can't calculate statistics for multiple projects based on just one component of a single project in one go. You can use the same component/TM for n different projects, but still you have to run the Analyze Files batch task n times, one for each project. (Imagine your TM file is a crane. You can move the crane to build five different projects one after the other but you can't use the crane to build five projects simultaneously.)

    If you want to reuse the same TM over a long time, you can create a project and add/remove files within that project rather than create a new project every time you receive a new translation file/job. "Superprojects" like that save the time and HDD space you normally spend to create projects again and again.

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