Changing translatability of an in-line element


Trados Studio 2021 SR2 -

I have a MadCap Flare source file which uses the standard MadCap Trados parser.

Once loaded into a project, a translation is made:

Screenshot of a Trados Studio segment with HTML span tag, showing source and target text with 'Objects' highlighted in purple.

This translation is updated into the main TM.

Between this version and the next outsource, a decision is made to make the span class Value attribute not-translatable.

I add the a new rule to the MadCap Flare parsers:
Screenshot of Trados Studio parser rule settings with XPath for span class 'Value' set to not translate.

I now create a new project containing the original file, with the parser rule changes and same memory as before. The file in question has not changed, only my decision to treat that attribute differently.

After pre-translation, the segment is showing this in the editor.

Screenshot of a Trados Studio segment with HTML span tag, showing source text with 'Objects' highlighted in purple and a translation match at 90%.

The translation results window looks like this;

Screenshot of Trados Studio translation results window, showing a segment with mismatched HTML span tag highlighting in source and target.

This does not seem correct to me. I checked and the target side tagging is still present in the TM.

Maybe my expectations were too high but I was expecting to see this in the target side after translation: 
Maximum aantal rijen dat de <span class="Value">Objects</span> API kan ophalen

Has anyone else come across this type of situation before?

Is there a setting somewhere that will make it behave as I want?

Is there a workaround I can use?



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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:36 PM (GMT 0) on 10 Jan 2025]

    Can you provide a short snippet of the file you have?  I tried to mock one up but cannot get this recognised as a Flare file.  I used this if it helps give you an idea of what I'm asking for:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns:MadCap="" xmlns="">
        <meta name="Generator" content="MadCap Flare" />
        <title>Sample MadCap Flare File</title>
            <p>Here is some introductory text to provide context for the API information.</p>
            <p>Maximum number of rows the <span class="Value">Objects</span> API can retrieve</p>
            <p>This concludes the section on API capabilities. Further details can be found in the following sections.</p>

    I could try and test your issue with this one and use HTML5 but I'd rather use a file that is recognised correctly.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Can you provide a short snippet of the file you have?  I tried to mock one up but cannot get this recognised as a Flare file.  I used this if it helps give you an idea of what I'm asking for:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns:MadCap="" xmlns="">
        <meta name="Generator" content="MadCap Flare" />
        <title>Sample MadCap Flare File</title>
            <p>Here is some introductory text to provide context for the API information.</p>
            <p>Maximum number of rows the <span class="Value">Objects</span> API can retrieve</p>
            <p>This concludes the section on API capabilities. Further details can be found in the following sections.</p>

    I could try and test your issue with this one and use HTML5 but I'd rather use a file that is recognised correctly.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    Here's an example of the MadCap Flare XHTML topic file.

    The sequence of events to reproduce:

    1. Create a Trados project with contents below - mine shows a filetype identifier  of; "XML:MadCap 1.2 v"
    2. I created a standard English to German TM for the project
    3. Translate and approve: 
      "Maximum number of rows the <span class="Value">Objects</span> API can retrieve"
      "Maximum number of rows the <span class="Value">XXXXXX</span> API can retrieve"
    4. Save the file
    5. Close the editor
    6. Apply translations to project memory.
    7. Edit the MadCap Flare parser.
      1. Change it as per the screen shot on the original post above.
    8. Make a copy of the English source file
    9. Update the project to include the new source file - make sure it did a pretranslate
    10. Open the new file in the editor
    11. Go to the specific segment
    12. Clicking in the target side should show a translation results window similar to the one above.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <html xmlns:MadCap="">">
    <link href="Global_Resources/TableStyles/GlobalBasic.css" rel="stylesheet" MadCap:stylesheetType="table" />
    <h1>Service limits and limitations</h1>
    <p>In order to maintain a healthy and responsive platform for <MadCap:variable name="GlobalVariables.CompanyNameShort" /> customers the following service limits are introduced: </p>
    <h2>General limits</h2>
    <table style="width: 100%;margin-left: 0;margin-right: auto;mc-table-style: url('Global_Resources/TableStyles/GlobalBasic.css');" class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic" cellspacing="0">
    <col class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-Column-Column1" style="width: 371px;" />
    <col class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-Column-Column1" />
    <tr class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-Head-Header1">
    <th class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-HeadE-Column1-Header1">Limit</th>
    <th class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-HeadD-Column1-Header1">Details</th>
    <tr class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-Body-Body1">
    <td class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-BodyB-Column1-Body1">Maximum number of rows the <span class="Value">Objects</span> API can retrieve</td>
    <td class="TableStyle-GlobalBasic-BodyA-Column1-Body1">750 000</td>

  • Thanks   for that detail.

    I believe the issue can be explained by something like this.  First you translate and will always see this:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio translation results showing a segment with the text 'Maximum number of rows the 2 Objects 2 API can retrieve' with a CM match type.

    Or something similar.  Then you make the tag non-translatable, effectively telling Studio that the word you previously translated no longer exists in the TM, so you get this:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio with a translation segment 'Maximum number of rows the 2 Objects 2 API can retrieve' displaying a 90% match and a warning symbol.

    Or something similar.  Effectively you have removed something from the source and replaced it with something completely different because it's non-translatable and not supposed to be taken into consideration.  If you replace that with something else, like a completely different word you'll get the idea:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio with a translation segment 'Maximum number of rows the Newword API can retrieve' showing a 92% match and a warning symbol.

    So I think the behaviour in Studio is correct.  Does that make sense?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:52 AM (GMT 0) on 28 Jan 2025]