Possible Bug: List of Files Not Updating


I noticed something strange in Trados Studio 2024 and I'm not sure if this is related to the InSource add-in I'm using or to Studio itself.

I've got two watch folder in InSource:



Every external request will create a new subfolder in one of the watch folders. Those subfolders are named in a date format, for example:



I accept the request, and two projects are created. Both projects are named "2025-02-05" in Trados Studio. In the actual projects folder, they are named "2025-02-05-2" and "2025-02-05-3", respectively.

Here's the strange behavior I've observed:

  1. I open the 1st project -> the view jkumps to the "Files" window -> I see "sample_1.txt" in the list White check mark
  2. I open the 2nd project -> view jumps to "Files" -> I still see "sample_1.txt" in the list Negative squared cross mark
  3. I change the language in the drop-down: target -> source -> target
  4. I now see "sample_2.txt" in the list White check mark

This happens only when I switch between identically named projects. If I open a different proejcts between steps 1 and 2, this doesn't happen.

It's no big issue for me and I can work around it. Just thought I should mention it, in case somebody wants to look into it. Slight smile

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