How can change the default settings for the automatic setup of TMs?

Most of the time you may create new TMs manually by using a template or just entering all settings from scratch. However, there are scenarios where TMs are created automatically, for example when you open a WordServer package. Of course, some things are preset by the package, but by no means all.
How does Studio know which setting to choose for UpLIFT, for example? AFAIK there are essentially 3 options for UpLIFT: Off,  Non-automatic and Automatic, where the latter 2 probably mean something like "enable, but let the user choose when to build all the necessary data tables" and "enable and build automatically" (when there is a better time, I hope).

Anyone who has ever "upgraded" their TM to use UpLIFT (i.e. fragment matching) will know that it takes an awfully long time, most often more than just one cup of tea, when you can't even use Studio yourself in the meantime, but that's another story. The TMs also take up a lot more disk space. One would really like to avoid this if it is not needed.

I recently noticed that all my newly generated TMs in WorldServer projects are set to "Automatic" UpLIFT. No property in WorldServer controls this setting. How can I tell Studio to use "Off" instead?
(I seem to remember reading somewhere that there is a setting in one of Studio's config files, but I can't find it anymore.)
