How can change the default settings for the automatic setup of TMs?

Most of the time you may create new TMs manually by using a template or just entering all settings from scratch. However, there are scenarios where TMs are created automatically, for example when you open a WordServer package. Of course, some things are preset by the package, but by no means all.
How does Studio know which setting to choose for UpLIFT, for example? AFAIK there are essentially 3 options for UpLIFT: Off,  Non-automatic and Automatic, where the latter 2 probably mean something like "enable, but let the user choose when to build all the necessary data tables" and "enable and build automatically" (when there is a better time, I hope).

Anyone who has ever "upgraded" their TM to use UpLIFT (i.e. fragment matching) will know that it takes an awfully long time, most often more than just one cup of tea, when you can't even use Studio yourself in the meantime, but that's another story. The TMs also take up a lot more disk space. One would really like to avoid this if it is not needed.

I recently noticed that all my newly generated TMs in WorldServer projects are set to "Automatic" UpLIFT. No property in WorldServer controls this setting. How can I tell Studio to use "Off" instead?
(I seem to remember reading somewhere that there is a setting in one of Studio's config files, but I can't find it anymore.)

  • "Probability score": 0.7

    "Question improvement suggestion": Please provide the version of Trados Studio you are using and any error messages you may have encountered. Also, it would be helpful to know if you have made any recent changes to your system or software.

    In the meantime, based on the information you have provided, here is a suggested answer to your question:


    To change the default settings for the automatic setup of Translation Memories (TMs) in Trados Studio, you can follow these steps:

    Step 1: Open Trados Studio and go to "File" > "Options".

    Step 2: In the Options window, navigate to "Language Pairs" > "All Language Pairs" > "Translation Memory and Automated Translation".

    Step 3: Here, you can adjust the settings for UpLIFT. You can choose between "Off", "Non-automatic", and "Automatic". If you want to disable UpLIFT, select "Off".

    Step 4: Click "OK" to save your changes.

    Please note that these changes will apply to all new projects you create. For existing projects, you will need to adjust the settings individually in the Project Settings window.

    As for the automatic setup of TMs when opening a WordServer package, the settings are usually determined by the package itself. If you want to change these settings, you may need to adjust them in the package before opening it in Trados Studio.

    Regarding the increase in disk space usage due to UpLIFT, this is a known issue as UpLIFT requires additional data tables for fragment matching. If disk space is a concern, you may want to consider disabling UpLIFT or using it selectively for specific projects.

    I hope this answer addressed your question. If not, please reject the answer, add the question improvement suggestion information, and click the RWS Community AI checkbox on the right to try again.

    RWS Community AI

  • Options > "Language Pairs" > "All Language Pairs" > "Translation Memory and Automated Translation" has no control over this.

    Step 3 is also wrong: you can choose there between Off and On only. ("Off", "Non-automatic", and "Automatic" are the values for enum Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemory.FGASupport)


    It takes time to upgrade TMs. 

    If you need to upgrade several TMs, this TM Lifting app will allow you to upgrade them all in a batch, one TM after another:

    If you have only one TM or a very few of them, you can always open a second instance of Trados Studio, upgrade TMs in the first window and continue working as usual in the second window (I guess being very carful of not messing with the TMs you are upgrading).

    Sorry, no idea about your other questions re. WorldServer…

  • Hm, may be a wasn't clear enough:

    • WorldServer has nothing to do with it. It is just an example where TMs are generated automatically without user interaction.
    • The TMs are generated with UpLIFT enabled. Where is this setting coming from? Can we change it? How?

    It could well be that this behavior is hard coded but I hope it is not.
