How to translate only cells highlighted yellow in Excel file?

My client sent me for Excel files and told me to translate only the cells that he has highlighted yellow. If this were a Word document, I could use a handy tool in TransTools to automatically hide everything highlighted yellow, and then import it. However, TransTools doesn't work on Excel files (I emailed Stanislav to confirm this). Are there any clever tricks or SDL Apps to solve this problem?


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  • Oh I see, that's too bad. Maybe one of the apps in the App Store can help with something like this, but probably the fastest thing would be filtering the cells in Excel, applying a specific text color to non-highlighted cells and then using the Color option to exclude that text when processing the file in Studio.
  • Hi Michael,

    I appreciate that now it might be too late for you, but, anyway, I want to share with you and other colleagues a couple of solutions I have adopted for a similar request.

    As I have understood, you had a file like this one:

    where yellow highlighted cells require a translation… right?


    If you have a single column (not bilingual) MS Excel file

    • In MS Excel first, activate the Data > Filter command (or CTRL-SHIFT-L), then click on the filter icon in the right end of the proper column (first row) and select Filter by Color > Filter by Cell Color:

    • You will obrain a result like tis one:

    i.e. only cells highlighted in yellow (other cells have been “hidden”).

    • Save the Excel file.
    • Load the Excel file in Studio, obtaining this result (with no. of words to be translated (30) in the bottom right corner as usual):

    • Translate the file in Studio and generate the target final file to obtain again a XLSX file.
    • Open the in Excel the translated file and deactivate the Filter function (CTRL-SHIFT-L) to obtain this:

    containing translation of originally yellow highlighted cells.


    If you have a two columns (bilingual) partially translated MS Excel file:

    • Load the MS Excel file in Studio using the Bilingual Excel file filter confirming and locking existing translations:

    • The result is this one and, as you can see, the word count of words to be translated is the same (30 less 1) of the previous one.

    • When the translation has been completed you may generate again the XLSX file which appears as follows:

    I hope this may help to manage MS Excel files similar to those proposed by Michael.


  • I want to translate ONLY one column that I have highlighted in yellow in Excel. I want ONLY the text for that column to appear in Studio when I create a project. Can you help me? I tried filtering the cells in yellow so that only these appear in Studio, but it didn't work...