Unable to use Alt+Codes and the numeric pad to input accented characters

I am a French translator working in the United States; I have recently been experiencing (intermittently though) the same problem Hector Martinez described in another question (in the Installation forum). This only appeared about a month into my use of Studio 2015 (I started using Studio in May or June of 2016), and now it only appears after about 30 + minutes of use of Studio. Closing the file and reopening it again allows for approximately half hour of keying in characters with Alt + Code normally, using the numeric pad. Then, abruptly, the message "Cannot access a disposed object..." reappears.

I have been using the "Alt+code" method using the Numeric Pad (Num Lock engaged) to write in the French language for over thirty years now. This technique is compatible with every other environment, including Trados 7.5, Word 2007, Word 2013, memoQ, Notepad, browsers... everything I have tried.

Walter Blaser from LTconsult answered Hector Martinez, saying that this is standard in MS Office, and that Word does not accept the use of Alt+codes to input foreign characters either. I have never experienced this; on any Windows system (I run Windows 10 on mine), I am able to use Alt/codes and the numeric pad in Excel, Word and PowerPoint, as well as everywhere else, as I have been doing for years.

Is it truly impossible to input foreign characters this way in Studio 2015? This would constitute what they call here a "Show Stopper."

This is a serious problem. I work in the US and need to use Studio on several different platforms--all using US, QWERTY keyboards of course. Do you have any suggestions? Are all future versions of Studio going to have this feature?

Thank you in advance for your constructive answers, let me know if anyone else has experienced this, and how to circumvent the problem to use Studio normally.
Michel Mullejans, Stayton, Oregon, USA