very aggravating experience, feeling defeated by the software: is it full of bugs? I can't get started ! I feel like quitting

I bought the software on January 14, so I only have 8-9 days to benefit from this forum! Which I heard of not so long ago. I wish I had chosen a better time to get acquainted, with more free time for this. I also wished I had read much more before buying it, but I thought reading with no hands on experience was not a good idea.

I had no problem downloading or installing, except I installed from the browser and not from the saved downloads on my computer.

Until now I have un-installed and re-installed the software 3 times.

I started using the software reading "quickguide". My first issue was with the Object reference not set to an instance of an object, so I uninstalled and re-installed (from the computer, not the browser). And tried Solution 2 (reset). This fixed the pop-up msg (object reference...) but didn't make the preview pane to work: now, nothing happens when i click on (click here to generate...) or it gives me the same msg as mentionned.

I uninstalled again and re-installed, hoping to be able to start anew with another fresh sample. But the only samples available are the ones I saved according to the instructions, so I cannot start from fresh, or at least I don't know how. So I decided to wait for my training on january 29. That went fine. But when i started using my software again with their PDF instructions, now I can't open a "new translation memory", that possibility isn't there any more, and I only have "open translation memory". I finally was able to create it double clicking on translation memory, but I still don't have the option: new translation memory.

In the proz training page 24: "open a file": when I try to open the sample files folder on my desktop, i get: “this file type is not supported”. But if I click on the file on my screen with my mouse, they are all there (packagees, termbase, translating single files, alignment, auto-suggest, coverting glossaries and generating as dict) and each of theses folders open. And now I get this msg all the time, whatever I try to do.

So now I'm completely stuck, I can't move ahead, I don't know what to do.

Should I de-install again?

What should I do for the installation do be done properly?

Should I use Solution 1? (I don't feel very comfortble doing this) When ?

How can I get rid defintively of the quick guide sample(s) provided by SDL which I transformed? I tried to delete them, I uninstalled as instructed, but when I re-install, I don't get fresh samples with the software, it's the ones I saved after making changes that come back. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO FROM NOW.

PLEASE HELP ME, I only have 9 days left for your support. And I would like to benefit from it for more issue than just getting started.

Thank you


  • Your nine days shouldn't be a problem here.

    The big problem however is, that you do not tell us a single word about the file format you are trying to translate.

    So please start with the details:

    • The file type attempted to open, with the FILE TYPE EXTENSION please!
    • Where do you suppose to have "open new translation memory" command? From my knowledge of Studio, there is no such command at all...

    Please understand, that we need to go systematically. Uninstalling and installing again is not an option at all here. Please try to do the following:

    • Take a Word file of your choice, save it in a convenient location in your PC
    • Start Studio
    • Click on the "Open document" button
    • Navigate to the Word document you stored previously
    • Chose it and press Open
    • In the dialog now appearing chose the source and target language
    • Now press the "Create" button and select "New file based TM"
    • Give this translation memory a name and chose the location where it shall be stored, then press "Finish"
    • Now press OK to open the document
    • Once opened, press CTRL+S to save your newly opened document in the working format, which is SDLXLIFF
    • Try to translate some sentences, remembering to confirm them
    • Check the preview, bearing in mind, that it will work only if you have Office 2007 or Office 2010 installed in your computer


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • Thanks again, I will uninstall and re-install, and read all documentation carefully, I missed out on that, and follow these steps.

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