SDL TMS 2011 SP6 CU1 + SDL TMS 11.0 | Impossible to download files from SDL TMS

In some cases, when source files have been uploaded to SDL TMS in a .ZIP file of nested folders, it was not possible to download those files from the Job's Items and the Task Status Summarypages or from the Online Translation Interface page.

The issue was caused by a restriction of 4 parameters, implying a four-folder structure for the source file's path. For example, a valid path would be like this: JobId\SRC\Language\fileName. 
If the path for the source file contained more than four folders, namely additional sub-folders, then the user could not download the requested files.
This would typically happen when the uploaded source file implied a .ZIP archive containing a folder structure generating too many unsupported sub-folders (for example: ...\ JobId\SRC\Language\folder1\folder2\fileName).

The solution lifts this folder structure limitation.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for a hotfix to be deployed.

Note that this hotfix is delivered for two different versions of SDL TMS, therefore, depending on the current installation, customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download one of the following installers:

The Microsoft file path length limitation still applies.