By date
  • SDL TMS 11.1 - General Availability


    We are pleased to announce the General Availability of SDL TMS 11.1.
    This is the next major update on the SDL TMS 11.x branch and delivers some important updates, new features, and defect fixes.

    For more information, see SDL Community post here.
    Don't forget to subscribe to this new area to receive updates notifications!

    The SDL Community team.

  • SDL TMS 11.0.2 and SDL TMS 11.0.3 | TMS-10384 | Intermittent recoveries -…


    For instances of SDL TMS using the SDL MultiTerm integration, tasks would intermittently go to Recovery with the following error message: No Application specific plug-in directly found.

    The Sdl.Core.PluginFramework.dll library can be called by SDL MultiTerm but also by SDL TMS when handling Custom File Types.
    The issue would occur if this library is first loaded to execute an SDL MultiTerm operation…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | TMS-10698 | Locked elements in segments sometimes missing…


    In some cases, for segments containing locked elements, those elements would be missing when the translated strings were returned from a Machine Translation provider.

    A generic issue was identified. Although the source segment was sent to the Machine Translation provider, when merging the translated strings back, SDL TMS was using the old target segments rather than the source segments.
    This was…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.2 and SDL TMS 11.0.3 | TMS-10643 | Incorrect identification of…


    For segments containing more than one placeholder tag (also known as “self-closing” tag), the bilingual file becomes invalid after system actions like pre-processing, task upload, preview, rebuild translation. All placeholder tags are displayed as if they are identical.

    When generating the bilingual file on an SDL TMS instance, a specific property for the placeholder tags was missing…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | TMS-7295 | Locked repetitions get machine translated string…


    Your file contains the same source string multiple times. The first occurrence is unlocked but the repetitions are locked. When the translated string is returned from a Machine Translation (MT) provider, this string is correctly inhaled for the unlocked string but is mistakenly overwriting the content of the locked repetitions. 

    When inhaling the data from the MT provider, there was no check to see…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | Invalid target files for custom file types using the Custom…


    When using a custom file type based on the “Custom XML (Embedded Content)” pre-processing tool, the target files are invalid because the custom filetype id is overwritten by the default one. 

    The issue occurred at upload, where an unnecessary reset of the filetype id to the default filetype id was applied when uploading bilingual files.

    With this fix, the custom filetype…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | Tags in locked sub-segments are wrongly represented in SDLXLIFF…


    Tags in a locked sub-segment are wrongly exposed in the SDLXLIFF file created by SDL TMS when a TM match is applied to such segments.
    When the file is opened in SDL Trados Studio, tags in locked sub-segments are exposed as a plain text instead of the nice purple representation. As a result, the target files will be corrupted. 

    Modifications were recently made in SDL TMS to handle the order/anchoring…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | Terminated tasks don’t have the proper values in the SDL…


    In some cases, tasks terminated before the Authorization/PjM Authorization workflow step were incorrectly recorded in the database and had the “Terminated” status marked as false (0), no “Terminated date” and a wrongly inserted “Authorized date”.

    A TMS stored procedure was incorrectly recording those three values.

    The solution corrects the stored procedure…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.3 | SDL TMS 11.0.3 Release Announcement (June 2016)


    You wish to upgrade the very latest version of SDL Translation Management System.

    We are pleased to announce the General Availability of SDL TMS 11.0.3.
    This is the third update on the SDL TMS 11.x branch and delivers some important updates.

    Included in this release is

    • More flexibility for Attributes
    • The availability of the Job Create page from the Projects area
    • A number of defect fixes

    For full…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 and 11.0.2 | ITD-based tasks intermittently blocking the External…



    The External Machine Translation (EMT) intermittently ends-up completely blocked because of some ITD-based tasks failing.



    This issue was caused by an Access Violation happening inside the SDLX-ITD filter. 

    With the SDL TMS 11.0.1 release and in order to support the SDL LanguageCloud Machine Translation providers, the EMT needed to be refactored so that, from that release onwards, the EMT operations…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.2 | The order/anchoring of tags was lost when updating a TM with…



    While editing a segment, the user moves tags in the target text to suit the language needs. The translation then updates the translation memory. On the next job, if the same source segment is sent for translation, although the TM returns a 100%, the order of the tags is lost. 


    When updating the TM, the tags are stored in the TM in a different format than they are represented in an SDLXLIFF file…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.2 | SDL TMS 11.0.2 Release Announcement (May 2016)


    You wish to upgrade the very latest version of SDL Translation Management System.

    We are pleased to announce the General Availability of SDL TMS 11.0.2.
    This is the second update on the SDL TMS 11.x branch and delivers some important updates.

    Included in this release is

    • support for processing bundles from the newly released SDL Passolo 2016
    • a number of defect fixes

    For full details on all that is…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | Inconsistent default segment status of pre-translated 100…


    In SDL Trados Studio, you open a Studio Package containing an ITD-based task containing segments with 100% matches received from a translation memory at pre-processing. Those segments are displaying Status = "Translated" instead of Status = "Draft". 

    In SDL Trados Studio, the "Translated" status is the equivalent of "Confirmed" in SDL TMS or SDLX Edit, which is an inconsistent with they way…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | Older Java CTA not fully compatible with the latest changes…


    You have just upgraded to TMS 11.0.1 and your integration, which is using an older version of Java CTA, is no longer working properly.

    Changes made on the latest SDL TMS release include new items in the CTA communication XMLs, of which older versions of Java CTA are not tolerant.

    This fix currently makes SDL TMS 11.0.1 respond depending on the version of the Java CTA caller. The integration…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | Intermittent Recovery for ITD-based tasks retrieved at…


    You are using the External Machine Translation (EMT) for ITD-based tasks. For some larger tasks, the EmtApplyExecutor archiver plugin may time out when retrieving data from the Machine Translation provider. 

    When the plugin retries the retrieval action, it does not find the already created temporary .sdlxliff file and therefore throws the task in Recovery with a message indicating "Converter callback message: Warning…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | MDB Project TM is not created for some languages in tasks…


    After upgrading to SDL TMS 11.0.1, for tasks created using Legacy file types and only for some languages, the creation of the Project TM in the .mdb format is failing.

    With SDL TMS 11.0.1, there is more alignment introduced in the designation of language codes. This had a side-effect on the Project TM creation for some languages, for tasks that use Legacy file types. This only affects the Project TM…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | Tasks sent to Recovery at Apply TM for segments with placeholders…


    When applying a match from the Translation Memory for a segment that contains curly brackets, such as the {0} placeholder, the task is sent to Recovery.

    This error is a side effect of the additional information logging that was added in the SDL TMS 11.0.1 release.

    Logging has been corrected and now .sdlxliff-based tasks containing segments with curly brackets are no longer sent to Recovery…

  • SDL TMS 11.0.1 | SDL TMS 11.0.1 Release Announcement (March 2016)


    We are pleased to announce the General Availability of SDL TMS 11.0.1. This is the first update on the SDL TMS 11.x branch and delivers some important updates, new features, and defect fixes.

    Included in this release:

    • new support for the SDL Language Cloud as a Machine Translation provider,
    • a File Type update aligned with the recent release of SDL Trados Studio 2015 SR2, including the addition of 2 new out-of-the-box File…
  • SDL TMS 11.0 | Empty or partial Project TMs generated for tasks processed…


    Tasks prepared with the Custom XML (Embedded Content) Pre-Processing tool have a partial Project TM or no Project TM created, despite the fact that TM matches are applied to the SDL XLIFF file.

    When using the Custom XML (Embedded Content), the .sdlxliff file generated at Pre-Processing contains a specific file structure. This structure flags which segments are generated using the base processor and…

  • SDL TMS 11.0 | Non-default options from the Options XML file are not respected…


    Initial issue:

    For custom file types that use an Options XML file containing non-default options (configured in SDL Trados Studio), SDL TMS was still applying the default setting for those options. 
    The issue would manifest for custom file types using one of the following Pre-Processing tools:
    • Delimited Text v
    • Html File v with predefined/custom HTML4/5 configuration
    • RegEx v
    • XML v 1.3.0…
  • SDL TMS 11.0 | Vendor allocation for Custom Workflow Steps in SDL TMS not…


    For Custom Workflow steps, the Vendor User allocation remained as "Not allocated" when the authorizer submitted a task from the Authorization/PJM Authorization step, rather than using the Authorization screen to select a Vendor.

    The situation was caused by an issue with the “Workflow Step Type” value in the database. This value is used to determine which Vendor User should be allocated by…

  • SDL TMS 11.0 | Terminated tasks incorrectly marked as Authorized in SDL…


    In some cases, some tasks terminated before the Authorization/PjM Authorization workflow step were incorrectly marked as "Authorized".

    A TMS stored procedure was incorrectly marking tasks as "Authorized" in the database, when the tasks terminated before or after the Pre-processing step, but before the Authorization step.

    The solution corrects the procedure so that these…

  • SDL TMS 2011 SP6 CU1 + SDL TMS 11.0 | Impossible to download files from…


    In some cases, when source files have been uploaded to SDL TMS in a .ZIP file of nested folders, it was not possible to download those files from the Job's Items and the Task Status Summarypages or from the Online Translation Interface page.

    The issue was caused by a restriction of 4 parameters, implying a four-folder structure for the source file's path. For example, a valid path would be like this…

  • SDL TMS 11.0 | Incorrect handling of timeouts on SDL TMS multi-server e…


    In a multi-server environment, sometimes when a timeout occurred on server A and server B picked up the tasks, the sequence of actions happening at database level were managed badly, generating an overlap. This overlap led to the creation of duplicate entries in the database, as well as to incorrect multiple possibilities to access the TMS task, for the same action to be performed. The overall environment isn…

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