SDL TMS 11.2.0 | TMS-12080 | Support for SDL custom languages used in SDL MultiTerm


The integration with SDL MultiTerm 2015 does not provide the correct terminology hit for Spanish (Modern) and Spanish (International).

The issue may happen when the termbase contains only one language pair.
In SDL MultiTerm, some languages are defined explicitly using custom cultures, which therefore do not map with SDL TMS.

SDL Trados Studio uses a mapping mechanism to allow for adequate language alignment with these custom cultures (the ones used to define certain languages in SDL MultiTerm). SDL TMS is now using the same mechanism to ensure this mapping is functional.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS11.2 Hotfix for TMS-12080.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/11.2/Hotfix.