SDL TMS 11.2.1 | CRQ-6526 | Incorrect spacing in target files and broken translation entries in TMs

The target file returns incorrect spacing and is potentially filling TMs with broken translations. These translations can bypass review as ICE (in-context) matches later when leveraged again.

Using variables within DITA content that stands for product names, for example "<tag> Help file", becomes "Trados StudioHelp file" when resolved in the target. There is a missing space after the tag which needs to be preserved to produce consistent translations.

The issue was fixed through an update of the filter types, so that the necessary space is preserved and the target file is generated correctly.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS11.2.1 Hotfix for CRQ-6526.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/11.2/CU1/Hotfix/