SDL TMS 11.1 and SDL TMS 11.0.3 | TMS-10906 | Incorrect reference for locked tags after machine translation

Tasks containing segments with locked tags were coming back from machine translation with incorrect tags.

When sending segments containing locked tags to machine translation, TMS needs to build an internal reference for those tags.
This reference is then used when the segments come back from the machine translation provider in order to place the tags adequately in the translation.
The way the reference to locked tags was build did not support more than one tag using a given reference.
Therefore, when TMS received segments back from machine translation the tags were replaced incorrectly.

The fix was to change the way the internal reference to tags is generated for locked tags.
This ensures that when segments are returned from machine translation, the mapping of the tags is preserved in the target by using the adequate reference.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this hotfix to be deployed.

This hotfix is delivered for two different versions of SDL TMS, therefore, depending on the current installation, customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download one of the following installers:



This issue was detected in a previous version of SDL TMS.
Per SDL Engineering policy, the Engineering team provides hotfixes for the latest release of SDL TMS to encourage our customers to run the latest version of SDL TMS to benefit from the latest features and fixes.