SDL TMS 11.1 | TMS-11355 | Segments containing locked elements in paragraph tags are failing to Recovery at SDL BeGlobal Machine Translation step


At the SDL BeGlobal Machine Translation step, segments containing locked elements tags within paragraph tags sometimes fail and are sent to Recovery.

When receiving XLIFF segments from SDL BeGlobal, for incorporating the strings contained in <ph> tags, SDL TMS expected placeholder tags but no locked content. Consequently, the locked content could not be converted into placeholders tags.

This fix provides support for the locked content within the paragraphs.

SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this hotfix to be deployed.

Customers who host SDL TMS themselves should download the installer for SDLTMS11.1 Hotfix for TMS-11355.exe from the following FTP site: TMS/11.1/Hotfix.

- Hotfix for TMS-11235 and TMS-11250.exe – information available here.

Per SDL Engineering policy, the Engineering team provides hotfixes for the latest release of SDL TMS to encourage our customers to run the latest version of SDL TMS to benefit from the latest features and fixes.