Automating on Tridion Docs - ISHRemote v1.0 now available

Finally release ISHRemote v1.0, honestly nothing changed regarding quality. Some people find v1.0 more pleasing though :) 

Full release notes are on and 

If you don't know what PowerShell or ISHRemote are about. Or don't know how to install it, then have a look at the videos and supporting blogposts on

This release inherits the v0.1 to v0.14 development branch and features. All cmdlets and business logic are fully compatible. Main reason for v1.0 is to prepare the trunk branch of source control for .NET (Core) as described in the There is also a new build infrastructure powered by Github actions.

What are the bigger changes

  • Encryption in flight - https - can now also go over Tls 1.3 while before releases only had Tls 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2 as options. #102
  • The platform requirements moved requiring .NET Framework 4.8 (compared to obsolete 4.5 in the past). Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 is the final version of the Windows-based .NET Framework, all future successors are Microsoft (Core) 6.0 and up based running on linux, macos and windows.
  • .NET Framework 4.8 expects Windows PowerShell 5.1 and older versions are no longer supported. Similar Windows PowerShell 5.1 is the final version of the Windows-based PowerShell, all future successors are PowerShell (Core) 7.0 and up running on linux, macos and windows - powered by Microsoft (Core) 6.0 and up.
  • The compiled library of cmdlets will no longer be strong named with an RWS/fSDL private key. This only affects you if you wrote an application (not PowerShell script) on to of this library and in turn you signed your application. #80
    If you want to know the details, deep dive in the the source code, impact of (breaking) changes, please go to 

Have fun,