Using the review module

We would like to start using the review module. (It's called Collaborative Review in our version of SDL Knowledge Center, but not sure if it might be called something different with the name change.) We have a few questions for those who have implemented this module.

Is there a way to preserve comments? We'd like to keep a record or audit of SME feedback and approvals, but the review module doesn't appear to be meant to keep content and feedback permanently. Is there a way to export comments before clearing content from the review module?

Is there a way to purge old content after reviews are complete, or is it a matter of deleting publications one-by-one?

Is there a better way to identify publications on the list of publications? Publications seem to be named by map title, and they often end up being titled very similarly. We're looking for a way to pull in additional metadata to help distinguish publications from one another.


  • Hi Cathy,

    Is there a way to preserve comments? We'd like to keep a record or audit of SME feedback and approvals, but the review module doesn't appear to be meant to keep content and feedback permanently.

    REPLY: Comments remain in the database permanently unless they are deleted by a user who has sufficient privileges. Comment can be deleted from the "Comments" admin page, individually from the comments pane in the topic view or deleted when a publication is deleted. When publications are deleted, the user has the option to delete associated comments or leave them in the database.

    Is there a way to export comments before clearing content from the review module?

    REPLY: Comments can be exported in their raw XML format using the database backup utility. Alternatively, custom tools can be added to Collaborative Review to export comments in other formats.

    Is there a way to purge old content after reviews are complete, or is it a matter of deleting publications one-by-one?

    There is no automatic purge. Publications need to be deleted one-by-one. It may be possible to add custom tools to remove publications and comments depending on the exact requirements.

    Is there a better way to identify publications on the list of publications? Publications seem to be named by map title, and they often end up being titled very similarly. We're looking for a way to pull in additional metadata to help distinguish publications from one another.

    Several publication properties are set by the Content Manage to Collaborative Review publishing process. One of these is the title that is extracted from the top level map title. The publication list that is seen in Collaborative Review is built by JavaScript which inserts the publication title property into the title field in the list. This JavaScript can be customised to use other properties to display in the title field.

    Hope this helps,

    Steve Layland | Senior Consultant | SDL

  • Hi Cathy,

    Just to confirm that Collaborative Review remains the product name, including with the new release.

    Best regards
