How do I create a read-only folder?

I want to provide a folder where files are accessed by our authors, but they cannot modify (write-to) the files that are in it. We've had issues with modifications being made to our keydef files and we want to limit who can modify these files.

I was informed by SDL support that this is possible, but I'm not sure how to get started.

  • Rick,
    Just to add to Pam's excellent reply with a few specifics. You want to set up a Resources or Global Resources folder - this does not need to have the Security, then within that create a specific folder for Keydef, call it Keydef-library. When you set it up you must set the Security owner, we have a Resource Management group where only a small subset of Admins can update this content. You can never change the security after you have set up a folder so you may have to move your current content into this new folder.
    After setup the folder properties security tab shows: Owner: Resource Management. The Grant read access to: the Members of all user groups radio button is checked.
    Hope this helps
  • Rick,
    Just to add to Pam's excellent reply with a few specifics. You want to set up a Resources or Global Resources folder - this does not need to have the Security, then within that create a specific folder for Keydef, call it Keydef-library. When you set it up you must set the Security owner, we have a Resource Management group where only a small subset of Admins can update this content. You can never change the security after you have set up a folder so you may have to move your current content into this new folder.
    After setup the folder properties security tab shows: Owner: Resource Management. The Grant read access to: the Members of all user groups radio button is checked.
    Hope this helps
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