Configuring XMetaL 11 support in SDL Tridion Docs

I'm trying to configure support for custom XMetaL 11 macros in an SDL Tridion Docs R13 environment. The OOTB ClientConfig.xml in /Web/Author/ASP/ClientConfig.xml has no configured editors. Can anyone give me an example of how ClientConfig.xml might look with XMetaL 11 configured?

I guessed that I would add the following syncgroup - when I added other "common syncgroups" from a previous version of the CMS, they didn't seem to work.

                <syncgroup ishcondition="ClientExe='xmetal.exe'">

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/Editor" clientfolder="%EDITORLOCATION%" />

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/LocalStorage" clientfolder="%DATASOURCEAPPDATA%/Config" />

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/RoamingStorage" clientfolder="%LOCALSTORAGEROOTPATH%/../../AppData/Roaming/SoftQuad/XMetaL/11.0" />                                




Many thanks for any help you can give.

Paul Masalsky
