Configuring XMetaL 11 support in SDL Tridion Docs

I'm trying to configure support for custom XMetaL 11 macros in an SDL Tridion Docs R13 environment. The OOTB ClientConfig.xml in /Web/Author/ASP/ClientConfig.xml has no configured editors. Can anyone give me an example of how ClientConfig.xml might look with XMetaL 11 configured?

I guessed that I would add the following syncgroup - when I added other "common syncgroups" from a previous version of the CMS, they didn't seem to work.

                <syncgroup ishcondition="ClientExe='xmetal.exe'">

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/Editor" clientfolder="%EDITORLOCATION%" />

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/LocalStorage" clientfolder="%DATASOURCEAPPDATA%/Config" />

                                <syncfolder serverfolder="XMetaL/11.0-CRCL/RoamingStorage" clientfolder="%LOCALSTORAGEROOTPATH%/../../AppData/Roaming/SoftQuad/XMetaL/11.0" />                                




Many thanks for any help you can give.

Paul Masalsky


  • Dear Paul,

    The support for synchronizing editor specific files is not provided through the ClientConfig.xml file but through the SyncInfo.xml file. This file is located in the same folder (<drive-letter>:\Infoshare\Web<project-suffix>\ASP\ClientConfig).

    Within the SDL Tridion Docs R13 environment, this 'SyncInfo.xml' file contains support for XMetaL 11 as it contains sections to synchronize files for XMetaL 10 or later. (see snippet below from file).

    <syncgroup ishcondition="ClientExe='xmetal.exe' and ClientExeVersion>=10.0">
    <!-- The files in this group are synchronized in case the editor is 'XMetaL 10.0' or later -->
    <!-- Implements the XMetaL Content Repository Connection Layer (Repository Adapter) -->
    <!-- Following line will synchronize the DTD related files below the Program Files\XMetaL\Author folder if this is allowed by security -->
    <syncfolder serverfolder="~/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/Editor/" clientfolder="%EDITORLOCATION%/" />
    <syncfolder serverfolder="~/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/LocalStorage/" clientfolder="%DATASOURCEAPPDATA%/Config/" />
    <syncgroup ishcondition="ClientExe='xmetal.exe' and ClientExeVersion>=10.0 and ClientEdition='J'">
    <!-- The ClientEdition ishcondition is only available for XMetaL and is used to synchronize Japanese server files for XMetaL -->
    <!-- The files in this group are synchronized in case the editor is 'XMetaL 10.0 J' -->
    <!-- Implements the XMetaL Content Repository Connection Layer (Repository Adapter) -->
    <!-- Following line will synchronize the DTD related files below the Program Files\XMetaL\Author folder if this is allowed by security -->
    <syncfolder serverfolder="~/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-J-CRCL/Editor/" clientfolder="%EDITORLOCATION%/" />
    <syncfolder serverfolder="~/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-J-CRCL/LocalStorage/" clientfolder="%DATASOURCEAPPDATA%/Config/" />

    So extending or adding similar syncgroup elements with similar conditions will allow you to configure your own custom macros to be synchronized.
    You can off course also tweak the condition or add a condition to the (new) syncgroup element so that it will only work for version 11 of XMetaL and not for anyone connecting with XMetaL 10.

    I hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,

  • This is great, Raf, thank you!! Think I'm still having a bit of trouble with SyncInfo.xml - I added the following to the syncgroup for xmetal.exe ClientExeVersion>=10.0:

    <syncfolder serverfolder="~/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/RoamingStorage" clientfolder="%LOCALSTORAGEROOTPATH%/../../AppData/Roaming/SoftQuad/XMetaL/11.0" />

    I have one file in ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/RoamingStorage on the app server: XMetaL 11.tbr
    And I have checked all the local permissions to C:\Users\pmasalsk\AppData\Roaming\SoftQuad\XMetaL\11.0 to ensure I have full control.

    When I access XMetaL 11 (run as Admin), I get a message indicating ClientConfig.xml must be synchronized (I reverted to the original) and I can browse the repository/check out/etc. just fine. But even after performing SDL Tridion Docs operations several times and restarting XMetaL 11 several times, I still don't see XMetaL 11.tbr in my local Roaming folder.

    Is my SyncInfo.xml syntax OK? Thank you again.
    Paul Masalsky
  • Saw the error of my ways - Changed %LOCALSTORAGEROOTPATH% to %DATASOURCEAPPDATA% and now things are moving along a bit better... still not completely "out of the woods," will keep you posted. Thanks!
    Paul M.
  • Most of this is working now - but I still can't get files of type .tbr and .ini to download. For example, when I access XMetaL, I get a message saying the server file XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/Editor/Icons/icons.ini is out of sync with the local file, but then when I click "Yes" to update it locally, I get:

    The synchronization of file '' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\XMetaL 11.0\Author\Icons\icons.ini' failed with error: Unable to reach the repository 'McAfee Tridion Docs R13 Sandbox'. A connection with the service '' could not be established. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found..

    Is there a mime type that I've got to configure somewhere?
    Thank you for your help.
    Paul M.
  • Got the tbr file to work - downloads successfully to my Roaming folder. Now it's just down to icons.ini. All local permissions for C:\Program Files (x86)\XMetaL 11.0\Author\Icons\icons.ini are correct (full control) and the file is present on the server (/Web/Author/ASP/ClientConfig/XMetaL/10.0-CRCL/Editor/Icons/icons.ini). But I still get a 404 for icons.ini in the sync message.
    Paul M.
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