Configuring Oxygen 20.1 support in SDL Tridion Docs

Hi All,

I have able to sync files (using the SyncInfo.xml ) with a three letter extension, but run into issues with the .framework file. The sync message gives me a 404, has anyone run into this? Is this a limitation of Client/Server file sync in Tridion Docs?

<file serverfolder="/ISHCM/ClientConfig/oxygen/20.1/dita/" filename="dita_hw_extension.framework" clientfolder="%EDITORLOCATION%/frameworks/dita/" creationtime="2019-02-20T22:56:58.8689681Z" lastwritetime="2019-02-20T21:21:23.888Z" bytesize="329379" syncresult="error" cause="Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.InfoShareConnectionException: Unable to reach the repository 'XXXRepoName'. A connection with the service 'XXXserverName/.../dita_hw_extension.framework' could not be established. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. ---&gt; System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.&#xD;&#xA;   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest&amp; request)&#xD;&#xA;   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.Web.FileService10.DownloadData(Uri address)&#xD;&#xA;   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.InfoShareExceptionHandler.ThrowInfoShareConnectionException(Exception innerException, IConnection connection, Uri uri)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.Extensions.WebExceptionExtensions.HandleException(WebException exception, Uri address, IConnection connection, ResourceProvider resourceProvider, Boolean retry)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.InfoShareService.HandleException(Exception exception, Uri address, IConnection connection, Int32&amp; retries)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.Web.FileService10.DownloadData(Uri address)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.Client.Remote.Web.SynchronizationService35.DownloadData(Uri address)&#xD;&#xA;   at Trisoft.InfoShare.ProjectConfiguration.Synchronizer.SynchronizeFile(FileInfo clientFile, Uri serverLocation, SynchronizeState state, Boolean force)"

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  • Hi Dave,
    Thank you for you response, we went with 20.1 to be on the latest and greatest, no issues so far. I was able to get the issue resolved by following these steps:

    IIS does something called MIME type filtering. If it dosn't know a specific file extension's MIME type, it returns a 404 error.

    On IIS <7: Open the site (or server) properties. Click on the HTTP-Header tab. Click on the MIME Types button. Add the file type * with the MIME type "application/octet-stream".

    For IIS 7+: Open IIS manager. Click the server or website. Double-click the MIME Types feature icon. In the Actions pane, click Add. Populate the "File Name Extension" box with * and the MIME Type box with "application/octet-stream".