'LongPathsEnabled' registry

Files exported from Tridion Docs have very long file name. Often, the total file path length of the file name exceeds 260 bytes, which is Windows limitation, and cause trouble. I found the information that it's possible to remove this limitation by changing the 'LongPathsEnabled' registry. I'd like to know whether the registry change adversely affects the Tridition Docs operation or not. If anyone tried this, please share the information.



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  • Hi Dave,

    Sorry for my late reply.

    > Can you list your exact product version?

    We are using Tridion Docs14 initial version.

    > Can you list the exact action or component you see issues with?

    Mainly, the issue occurs when we using Content Importer.

    > Can you give an example of a full path exceeding the 260 limitation?

    Below is an example of a topic's object name:

    2TBSX-HY00027-(Ref)Hydraulic circuit for auxiliary control valves and front suspension (Premium and Premium KVT model)

    This object name consists of following parts:

    • 2TBSX: code to identify the publication
    • HY: code to identify section in the document
    • 00027: sequential number in each section
    • (Ref): topic type; Ref means Reference topic
    • Hydraulic circuit for auxiliary control valves and front suspension (Premium and Premium KVT model): topic title

    This is a just picked up example and there are topics that have more long object name. When someone exports a publication that include such a long object name, and processes some topics in it, and tried to re-import the publication, the issue might occur. As Mark-san said, we can avoid the issue by placing the extracted publication files into a shallow folder and rename the folder. But if forgets it, the issue arises.

    We are using publication export for two purposes described below:

    1. Takes backup of a publication.

    2. Translates a publication ignoring a workflow.

    Regarding 1st one, we always exports a publication when we finish editing and translating it to avoid accidental object deletion and over written.

    Regarding 2nd one, our oversea sales companies give us claim about translation quality after we have completed the translation. If the object statuses had been transited to Translated or Released, we have to translate the publication regardless the object statuses.

