Max ditaot publishing executions


I'd like to limit the maximum number of publishing instances to 1. In other words, 1 publish at a time, and the rest are queued.

I've tried the following in "Background task XML settings" and recycled the app pools and am not getting what I believe to be the desired effect of queued publishing

<group name="Export" maxExecutions="1">
<!-- <add ref="INBOXEXPORT"/>
<add ref="REPORTEXPORT"/>
<add ref="SEARCHEXPORT"/>
<add ref="PUBLICATIONEXPORT"/> -->
<!-- New publish -->
<add ref="PUBLISH" />
<!-- Unpublish -->


  • Hi Mario,


    When making changes in the XMLBackgroundTask you will need to restart the “Trisoft InfoShare BackgroundTask One” service for changes to take effect. An app pool recycle is not needed.


    One other note is to check the role attribute is on the “<service>” tag immediately above the “<group name="Export" maxExecutions="1">” block you noted, IE <service role=…>. The attribute value of “role” should match the label in the “Trisoft InfoShare BackgroundTask One” service. To see this label right click on the service and choose properties. Look at the very end of the “Path to executable”, and this should match the <service role=…>.


    I hope this helps, if you should need additional help, please open a ticket with support.

  • Hi Mario,


    When making changes in the XMLBackgroundTask you will need to restart the “Trisoft InfoShare BackgroundTask One” service for changes to take effect. An app pool recycle is not needed.


    One other note is to check the role attribute is on the “<service>” tag immediately above the “<group name="Export" maxExecutions="1">” block you noted, IE <service role=…>. The attribute value of “role” should match the label in the “Trisoft InfoShare BackgroundTask One” service. To see this label right click on the service and choose properties. Look at the very end of the “Path to executable”, and this should match the <service role=…>.


    I hope this helps, if you should need additional help, please open a ticket with support.
