TD14SP1: Publication Manager search fails but it works in Content Manager

There's something I clearly don't understanding about searching. In PubMan, if I search for a publication by GUID I get no results:

Trados Studio 'Open Publication' dialog box showing a search for a publication by GUID with no results displayed.

Same search in Content Manager returns the expected results:

Trados Studio 'Content Manager' screen displaying a successful search result for a publication by GUID with one hit found.

What am I doing wrong/misunderstanding about searching for publications in PubMan? (Search frequently fails for me through client apps, but I figure the answer to this question is probably the answer to whatever it is I'm doing wrong everywhere.) Thanks!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:43 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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  • Thanks Akheil, and sorry for the late response. There were definitely no trailing whitespace characters at the end of the GUID. By coincidence, that's something I'm really picky about. :-)

    Even if there were, I should hope the client app's search input mechanism would trim leading/trailing whitespace, in all its forms (spaces, non-breaking spaces, tabs, carriage returns/linefeeds, etc.) The exact same string was pasted into the client app and the web UI.

    To test your suggestion, I used Copy Link from the web UI, copied the GUID, and pasted into PubMan's search. Search failed in the same manner.

    I do get the result when searching by the publication's title in PubMan's search, so yay! But we often pass around only the GUID. (Humans tend to copy the GUID but type the title - and make typos. Silly humans.)