Oxygen XML Author 27

Are there plans to support Oxygen XML Author 27 with Tridion Docs 15.0?

  • Hi Barra,

    Oxygen XML Author 27 was released last year, synchronizing release schedules is a continued challenge. This goes across the database engines, operating systems, runtime versions, etc On top the "backporting" effort to earlier releases like 15.0 (released June 2023) adds to the complexity.

    As the editor is a contract based integration, there is a high expectation that Oxygen XML versions will continue to work. Historically the Authoring Bridge MSI blocked "unsupported" combinations. "Supported" meant an R&D review, full regression test across client operating systems, testing often used third-party integrations, plus enablement of features where feasible/relevant for the business.

    Since Tridion Docs 14SP4 build 6707, by the way have a look at https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000016261, the MSI installer (e.g. 20220707.AuthoringBridge.14.0.6707.4-oXygen-Connector.msi) allows you to use the bridge on untested combinations.

    From this build on, it should be possible to install the connector for any version of Oxygen. However, a warning will be shown when an Oxygen version is used that we do not support officially. When the installation feature window is shown, only the supported Oxygen versions will be preselected. The not supported versions of Oxygen can be selected if the customer accepts that this combination did not get proper validation by engineering.

    This is also true for your 15.0, and later 15.1. The upcoming Tridion Docs 15.2 Authoring Bridge MSI installers will have done the full dance offering support.

    Best wishes,

  • I was able to install Oxygen XML Author 27 with the Tridion Docs 15.1.1 Authoring Bridge. However, it seems like some basic functions are not working. For instance, I can open a map in Oxygen 27, but then when I try to check it out, it's opening in a text editor, instead of staying checked out in Oxygen. And in oxygen, it's not showing as checked out, even though it is. I guess a workaround would be to check out the map in the web client or older version of Oxygen, then open it in Oxygen 27...

  • Hmmm, that workaround doesn't seem to work either...

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