By date
  • Sdl Studio PowerShell toolkit is now open source

    Starting from today Sdl Studio powerhsell toolkit is open source and you can find it on github. The toolkit was written to facilitate scripting of the Project Automation API which comes with SDL Studio. Until now this was kept on the SDL internal TFS and you where only able to get it by going to the community forum. At this point you might ask yourself what's going to change from now on since the toolkit was freely distributed…
  • Click'n'Deploy Studio plugins

    App stores changed the way we install and maintain software on our devices. You now have a single centralized place where you go and search for what you need, click a button and in a matter of minutes you have the app working on your device. In a similar way you can extend SDL Studio by going on OpenExchange store and download a plugin you would like or need. Now this works just fine for most of the Studio plugins or…
  • How to access segment tags using Studio File Type Framework

    Accessing segment tags might not be something you have to do everyday but there might be some scenarios where you need to manipulate the tags of your segments. This can be done using Studio File Type Framework which is part of the Studio SDK. The documentation is providing an overview of the entire framework and also includes high level overview of what I'm going to discuss in this article. Visitor Pattern Before…
  • Electronic “services” are not really services; they’re intangible goods

    I’ve noticed that the European Union VAT regime will change in January 2015 regarding the place of supply rules for so-called “electronic services”. I’ve also noticed that there has been some confusion on the part of some freelance service providers about...
  • SDL Studio standalone plugin assembly resolver

    SDL Studio plugin system allows developers to develop new features on top of the standard functionality. There are 2 types of plugins that can be developed, one which behaves like a Studio add-in and another one which behaves as a standalone application. Both plugin types require to run inside Studio installation folder. This is because the public Studio SDK is using other assemblies that are located in Studio folder…
  • 3rd party assemblies and SDL Studio plugins

    Last week I was working at a new plugin for SDL Studio 2014 and I wanted to serialize some information in json. The best tool handle this type of operations in .NET, at least in my opinion, is Json.NET . It made perfect sense to use it but until now I didn't use any external dependencies in an SDL Studio plugin so I started to look into what options we have to deploy our plugins together with 3rd party assemblies. …
  • Codecamp 2014

    One of my personal objectives for this year was to attend as a speaker to local community developer conferences. Most known,at least by me, are ITCamp and Codecamp. ITCamp is held once a year in Cluj-Napoca and Codecamp is held twice a year in Iasi, although there are some smaller Codecamp events in Cluj those are not related. I'm really happy that this year I had the opportunity to participate at all 3 events, so a big…
  • Hello SDL

    I now have two weeks since I joined SDL as a Language Platform Evangelist Developer . Almost everyone asked me what does that mean and what will I do so I decided that I better explain here in detail. If you are looking for a general definition of the position you can find one on wikipedia but it won't help you too much. In order to understand it better you really need to understand the context. Who is SDL? …
  • Preliminary comments related to upcoming Proz Virtual Conference Freelance…

    [edit: this article was written prior to participating in a virtual conference, which can be accessed here (scroll down about 2/3 of the page to view the video).] On September 30 I will be participating in a panel discussion as part of an upcoming virtual...
  • Thank you Endava

    This week I had my last day as an Endava employee since I've accepted a new challenge, but more about that in a later post. Endava is a company that constantly tries to improve based on previous experiences and feedback so last week I had brief exit interview which is meant to provide feedback to the company. I have to admit that I really enjoyed this last discussion where I had one last opportunity to directly share…
  • My Journey to start a blog

    Now that I written some articles around my journey to start a blog I think it might be very useful to have a short summary of my journey. The Journey Well I was thinking to start a blog for sometime because of the reasons I've pointed in my first article Why a blog ? . This is a technical blog since I will write most of the time about software development and various technologies in an attempt to share my knowledge…
  • Install Jekyll using Chocolatey

    As you probably already know this website and blog are created using github pages which behind the scene uses Jekyll. More on this you can read on my blog post .Every time I write a new article or make a change I would like to preview it before publishing it to live website.When this get published to my website repository, Github builds it almost instantly so I'm able to see my change really fast, but this is still done…
  • The engine behind my blog

    I guess it's time to dive a bit more on what technology stands behind my blog. In the previous posts I've talked about the reasons to start a blog , why I choose github pages to host it and now I will talk about Jekyll, the engine behind my blog. What is Jekyll ? Jekyll is a parsing engine which generates static html pages from dynamic components like template or markdown files. It uses a simple inline syntax…
  • Why I choose Github pages

    Github pages is something I've recently heard of and I really like it from the begging although I didn't exactly knew how is working. The main idea is that you will use a github repository to serve your site or blog. Main benefits For me these are the main benefits in using github pages: I have complete control of my site not being constrained in any way by a blogging platform. No database is involved…
  • Why a blog

    I was thinking to start a blog for some while but never find the right time. There are lots of ways to share information and knowledge but blog allows to share information in detail and also provide thorough explanations. Besides this I intend to use it as a personal knowledge base. Quite often I realize that I've done something similar in the past but I can't remember or find the information. So finally here it is. …
  • Defining an Extension Point


    This section explains how to create an extension point.

    Collapse imageDefining an Extension Point

    An extension point is defined by creating an attribute class, which extends the extension attribute base class, ExtensionAttribute. The properties of this attribute class define the meta-data extension developers can provide with their extensions.

    Extension developers can now create an extension .Net class, and mark this…

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