Introducing our Ideas feature, a dynamic space where you can propose topics for our Trados clinics. Share your ideas, vote on suggestions you're passionate about, and discuss with peers in dedicated threads. Once we cover a topic in a clinic, we'll mark it as delivered and link to the session recording. It's your opportunity to shape our learning agenda and dive deeper into the Trados tools and features that matter most to you.

It's worth exploring our Hub Essentials Wiki to make sure you understand the principles before posting, but keep these things in mind:

  1. Relevance and Clarity: Ensure your topic is directly related to Trados products and clearly stated. This helps in creating focused discussions that benefit the community and increases the likelihood of your topic being selected for a clinic.

  2. Search First: Check if a similar topic or question has already been discussed or is scheduled for an upcoming clinic. This helps avoid duplication and allows you to join ongoing conversations or support existing ideas.

  3. Be Specific: Provide specific details about what you hope to learn or solve with your topic. The more detailed your proposal, the better we can tailor our clinics to meet your needs and the interests of the community.

  4. No Bug Reports: Our focus is on maximizing the use of Trados products and their features to address real-life challenges. If you encounter a bug, please direct your report to the appropriate support forums within the Trados Portfolio. This ensures our discussions remain constructive and aimed at learning and improvement.
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